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Applying for F.A.C


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Hello can anyone tell me how difficult or easy it is to get a Fire Arm Certificate.

I have got a shotgun licence and would like to get a F.A.C air rifle for shooting rabbits, most of the rabbit shooting is done at night and the shotgun is just too noisey.

I have got an air rifle but i would like to have a bit more power to ensure a clean kill on the longer range shots. :rolleyes:

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Welcome to the forum.


Applying for the FAC is fairly simple but you will need a suitable gun cabinet with either an internal or seperate lockable safe for ammo. The other thing you also need to consider is that even though you only want an air rifle, it will still be goverened by FAC laws. You will need suitable land that it can be used on and wont be able to use it on land that is not cleared. If you contact your local firearams department you will be able to find out if your land is cleared. You could also contact your local FEO to discuss your requirements with him/her, it certainly wont do you any harm.

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Quote AXE

you will need a suitable gun cabinet with either an internal or seperate lockable safe for ammo.




He would be advised to get a gun cabinet with seperate lockable safe for ammo in case he decides to go for rim fires or centrefire in the future.

But he does not need a top safe for FAC airrifle ammo which is what he said he wanted in his question. :rolleyes: :( :( :lol:

Edited by hawkeye
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Cheers for the info, the gun cabinet that i bought to keep my shotgun in has a lockable top compartment and is firearm suitable so no probs there.

Will have to get the land checked out, there is a footpath that runs through one of the fields but i am pretty sure that another person uses a .22 rimfire on the land but he doesn't shoot there verry often.

I will ring the local firearms dept and get an application form.


Thanks again and happy hunting

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Hello can anyone tell me how difficult or easy it is to get a Fire Arm Certificate.

I have got a shotgun licence and would like to get a F.A.C air rifle for shooting rabbits, most of the rabbit shooting is done at night and the shotgun is just too noisey.

I have got an air rifle but i would like to have a bit more power to ensure a clean kill on the longer range shots. :blink:

Hi Heliman


I'm one of the very few on here that went from 12 ft lb to FAC Airgun .........Most go straight for Rimfire as there are more Pros to them ............The one SERIOUS drawback is Consistency of Ammo and Ricchochet Which is an advantage to having a Over the limit Air Gun (Correct Wording).........MORE Versetile and safer to use in most conditions;)


What you are applying for is on the Bottom Rung of a very long ladder and I'd be very surprised if you was to encounter problems.


Simply gain Landowners Permission (In writing if possible) Fill in the application form .............2 referees who have known you for at least 2 years and send off .


Apply for .17 hmr as well :blink: .............It won't hurt to ask and you'll have 5 years to purchase one ,,,,,,,,,That is if you really want one.



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Apply for .17 hmr as well :blink: .............It won't hurt to ask and you'll have 5 years to purchase one ,,,,,,,,,That is if you really want one.

I would agree with the above statment, even if you dont want to go down that road at the moment apply for other types of fac rifles can cals the more you apply for the more likly you are to be denied as you need a valid reason for each addition.


but if you can give a valid reason for each additional rifle (eg .17 vermin control, air rifle, vermin control short range, .22 for foxes .22-25 them tree rats can get big down on the farm :blink: ok so that last one might be a bit on the far fetched side :blink: )


I have seena lot of people at the club go down the FAC route with air guns and very quickly turn to FAC rim fire rifles for the pest control, have a good think about what you want the rifles to do over the next few years, not just tomorrow.


Another good reason for thiking ahead, it could save you a lot of time and money sending in your FAC for a variation.


Oh and almost forgot dont forget to lsit any silencers as well LOL.


ROB :blink:

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lads -- can you just clarify this -- when you apply and if you get accepted , you dont have to rush out and buy the firearm.

what i mean is can you take your time about chooseing the right one ie if money was tight etc or is there a time limit

Right you ask for say a .22 rimfire & silencer + .17hmr & silencer and say a 243 & silencer.

If you are excepted and you get your ticket which lasts for 5 years before renewal.


You can buy the guns any time within the 5 years if when you come to renew you have only bought the first 2 rifles and not the 243 the 243 will be taken of your ticket and you would have to apply again for that one.


does this help make things clear for you. :blink: :o :o :P


PS The only time limit is the 5 years before renewal. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Edited by hawkeye
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lads -- can you just clarify this -- when you apply and if you get accepted , you dont have to rush out and buy the firearm.

what i mean is can you take your time about chooseing the right one ie if money was tight etc or is there a time limit

Once a Fac is granted then it is for 5 years by which time you apply for a renewal .


so technically you've got 4 yrs & 11 months to aquire a firearm...........But leaving it that long would be taking the Michael



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lads -- can you just clarify this -- when you apply and if you get accepted , you dont have to rush out and buy the firearm.

what i mean is can you take your time about chooseing the right one ie if money was tight etc or is there a time limit

Well in Sussex the FEO will emphasise that you have to aquire your desired firearms as quickly as possible. If you have put in for many, then a simple excuse will suffice but otherwise they may refuse you. In reality, its down to your renewal. :blink: Make sense of it as you will, but the way I see it, get your ticket and your in. :blink:

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:*) :*) Just assumed that he would move up to rimfire at some stage. :P

:lol: big boys toys...


Saying that, im applying for FAC as well, but im not giving up my airguns. They are a usefull tool indeed no matter what age you are. Takes more skill, and turns you into a better shooter if you use an airgun

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