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My first deer yesterday


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Well what an experience, i have been out quite a few times stalking with a few different people but only as a spectator, i have been taken out a few times also looking for my first deer but was always unsuccessful, UNTIL TODAY :D


was such a long stalk and full of excitement but too much to be bothered to write out as it would end up being a magazine article over several pages :lol::lol:


but pictures speak a thousand words so here are some




Rifle is my 260ai built by Chris and used 140gr Berger in fireforming load still



The deer had a HUGE growth under it front legs on its chest, was bigger than my mates fist and hard, Anyone seen anything like this before as it was a first for him? The rest of its organs and glands we fine tho,

its teeth were worn right down and most of the rear ones were missing so she was an old lady who has been around the woods a few times.

Got the head in the pot ready to sort out then hang it in my new reloading shed



The dog tracked the deer and had a kick in the face for its efforts which we superglued up later




will hopefully be the first of many to come :)

Got it hanging in my shed till Monday when it will go out to the estate where Joel works in the week to be sorted out

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Remove as much flesh as poss then boil in water that goes upto the top of the pedicules. Add some washing up liquid or bia card of soda crystals to help seperate the grease.


I'd boil for 15 mins then try and pressure wash some of the flesh and skank off then return to the boil for another 5 mins or so then repeat. Once totally clean of flesh and any anything else pour a kettle off very hot water over the skull and put in a tub of 40%vol peroxide. Make sure all the skull is covered, especially the brain cavaty and leave for a few hours then remove and rinse. Leave out of the sun in a well ventilated area for a few days then its ready to go.


Look on you tube for a detailed account on how to do it, andystalker on here has done a very good account of how to do it.

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You can get peroxide in Superdrug in the hairdying section in little yellow bottles does the skull a treat.


Be wary though, I was talking with a `keeper today about this very subject and he used some hair bleach that was a pink colour and when applied did the biz, then back on the continent the client wasn`t happy as the skull went pink :oops:

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Be wary though, I was talking with a `keeper today about this very subject and he used some hair bleach that was a pink colour and when applied did the biz, then back on the continent the client wasn`t happy as the skull went pink :oops:


Its this one:




Only costs £1.49.


I soak toilet paper in it and then cover the skull in it.

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