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Another enjoyable day Vol 4!


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I managed to swop a shift in work,and 'the poacher' and me decided to try our luck on the crows again. Last week, Mark spotted about 200 pigeons and many crows on the farm. The weather was dry for a change, and we set up in a spot we had used with success a few times before. After two hours, we had shot 1 jackdaw, and missed 1 crow. We decided to move to another part of the farm where we've been successful in the past. Within 5 minutes, we had shot a jackdaw. There were not many flying about, and we noticed that there was quite a few down near houses, close to the farm. We started at 8.10am, and finished at 3pm. Our total pick up was only 11 jackdaw's, with about 3 that dropped further down the farm, where we could'nt pick them up. We were a bit disappointed because it's not everyday the weather is dry, and we both have a day off work. But we did enjoy ourselves, and had a good laugh!

We'll probably try again soon, providing the weather plays it's part. My thanks again to Mark, for some good shooting time, and, good company.

Attached are a few pic's of our day out.

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