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1st visit


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apologies, didnt know where to put this :( , SGC wise what happens on the first visit, i think i have a vague idea but just want to know what to expect, can anyone help me out ? , just to note, ive applied, they have rang, we have arranged a date, i dont have a cabinate yet, hope someone can help

Edited by demonwolf444
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apologies, didnt know where to put this :( , SGC wise what happens on the first visit, i think i have a vague idea but just want to know what to expect, can anyone help me out ? , just to note, ive applied, they have rang, we have arranged a date, i dont have a cabinate yet, hope someone can help


i was young when i applied and the officer just asked basic questions and asked if i knew the difference between a 12gauge and a 20gauge and what would happen if i loaded a 12gauge with a 20gauge cartridges.

He just told me a few safety tips and asked where and what i would eb shooting


They visited my mate a coupel weeks ago to sort his application, they are just there to see if you know how to act witha gun and make sure you arent going to make stupid mistakes


but like i say, iw as young when i applied so they probably dealt with me a bit differently to what they would a 30year old!



just offer a brew and be friendly

you dont need to own a cabinet to hold a shotgun certificate!

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Feo will just want to have a nose about your house looking at security and where you will fix the cabinet,drink ya tea,eat ya biscuits,talk about guns and find out why you want one,what you intend to shoot and where,what experience you have,gun safety,where you can and where you shouldnt shoot,safe ranges,they are either very friendly (mine) or can be jobs worth,but all the time you and your house hold will be under scrutiny,just relax and be yourself and you shouldnt have any problems and good luck.

Now go and get those chocky bickies :good:

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If your thinking of going into gamekeeping this will most probably be a good conversation point with the FEO, while your at it i would suggest that if you have land to use a rimfire on put in for your FAC at the same time.(Ask while they are there you have nothing to loose and it may just make your day) I know you allready have your appointment but if you dont mind waiting another few weeks then you will most likley be granted both, assuming you have permission. It will save you some money and will get you on the FAC ladder sooner rather than later. :good:


Best of luck and dont worry they are coming to arrest you :good:



Oh posted a day too late. allways been abit slow.


So i take it it went well, see nothing to worry about :good:

Edited by Dougy
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I only wished i had read this earlier, the person who came was so helpfull and i have tonnes of permission all round where i live i know ill probably end up going for my FAC soon, just wait a while, because to be honest at the moment the only reason i would have a FAC would be for 243 or 223 for fox or deer , but i have no need because on my permission our foxes are deffinately NOT already controlled by the local hunt, and i dont think i would get a 223 for deer on my permissions :( i will probably do it in a few years when i have a steady job which needs it :) at the moment my life choice is leaning towards gamekeeping !

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You can always phone them and ask some forces allow different calibres for fox or slugs for shotgun ( needs FAC condition) you may be lucky to get a CF at first application but if you are a trainee keeper should be easier apply for a.22LR or .17HMR then wait a couple of years to apply for .243 for deer/fox

Edited by HDAV
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