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Bit of ferretting


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Went out yesterday on a patch of land owned by my mate's father.


Its basically a 17th Century sea wall...a massive bank!


We had one attempt at ferreting it a couple of years ago, but to no avail, (that was the first time I'd ever worked (or "worked!") a ferret, so the total bag of 0 wasn't a big surprise.


The rabbits are causing a big problem now, shifting so much earth, the bank is close to collapse, and my mate's dad has said he's going to gas them.


We thought it was at least worth a go before he does that, so we set about it yesterday!


I've only got 2 ferrets, one hob, one jill (both whole) so I'm not keen on working them together.


The lay of the land makes it difficult to work- the burrows all go horizontally, or upwards into the side of the bank, and there's no clue as to how far into the bamk they go...so we just had to take our chances!


We enetered the Jill first, and after about 25 minutes, she resurfaced, so we entered the hob, who was underground for a good 50 minutes, before he re-emerged with fur all over his face, so I'm assuming he'd had a go at something in there.


We moved up the bank, and re-entered the jill. and waited. And waited. and waited. nothing, no sign of the ferret no sign of anything. Moving further along we re-entered the hob, and waited. About 20 minutes later, a flash of green and brown caught my eye about 60 yards back- the gill had bolted her first rabbit! As I dispatched it, she came up for air, but turned on her heels and disappeared. Another 20 minutes passed, with both ferrets underground. I noticed a net had been dragged underground, presumably by the jill coming up and turning round without us noticing. As I re-set this net, the next rabbit hit, in the next whole, just 2 yards from where I stood. I stuck my foot over the hole I was already at, and as I dispatched the second rabbit, Sam (the mate who's land it is!) covered the hole from which the rabbit emerged. I'm not sure what happened next, but Sam's hole covering ability wan;t quite up to scratch, and a rabbit bolted the same hole at a rapid pace! A comedy moment followed, as Sam ran after it, jumping for it, and falling over all over himself. Fortunately, it ran back into an already netted hole, and number three was in the bag. And thats how it stayed for ages.


Meanwhile, the hob was still underground- we gave the jill some rabbit liver and kidney while we set nets further up, thinking we'd just have a quick go at it while we wait for the hob to emerge.


That turned out to be a mistake. Probably too tired, we didn't hear or see anything from her for ages. I had to be somewhere in the evening, so I didnt have time to wait around. I began to pack the nets up, and as I got to the burrow where the hob had been, he re-emerged. With him safely in his box, we finished packing up, and off I went, leaving the Sam there with his shotgun, a ferret box, and nothing for company.


On my way back out, after I'd been home, I rang Sam to see if he'd seen my ferret. Not yet, but she'd bolted 3 more rabbits, one he missed, and two weren't safe to shoot at. As he was talking to me, a fourth rabbit emerged, and sat straight in front of him, but sod's law comes into play and his gun is lying unloaded on the ground.

Then just at the end of our conversation, the jill appears! Success!


We learnt a lot, namely that that area is way too big to work with two ferrets (I'm certain that they'd been asleep!), but now we cannot wait to get out there and have another go!


I know this seems a big post, but it was our first sucessful (ie more than empty handed) outing, and we're over the moon with our bag, although a small one!


More ferrets coming, and more ferreting soon!


Pictures, are on the way...we only have one, as we fogot the camera, but we've got a pic of the bag, just waiting for it to be emailed over.





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Its defintely high on my list of things to buy...unfortunately, I'm currently unemployed, and I'm struggling to keep my car in fuel! I'll invest soon.


Picture is coming, I promise!


Digging isn't possible on the site really, as I'd have to dig sideways, into a bank, rather than down. I'll try and get some photos of the site too, so you can see my point!





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you use newspaper and or one of those things used by bee keepers that have bellow ans just blow the smoke out of a nozel down the hole, i know not many people use it but my grandad was a very keen ferreter and that is what they used and they never lost a ferret due to it.




ps you cant gas a ferret with smoke only a gas can gas something :(

Edited by flash
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As there were no pictures and the thread had developed, I moved it.

If you do have a picture, post it in the Pictures Section and refer to this thread. :lol:


When tackling such a big earth, its best to start early in the day, with quite a few ferrets (and helpers).

Sometimes very big earths on high banks are best left.

Even with a locator, you need a JCB to get down to some of the lie ups.

Been there, done that. :(



If I ever get a ferret lie up, (after waiting a fair time) I just leave the box and come back in the morning.

I've never lost a ferret yet.

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I wouldnt go near the place again until you get the ferrets collared up, Worth the money as ferrets are a valuble tool and there are too many people willing to lose their little workers and get some more when they get chance, I am not saying you would do this but a lot of proper ferretters would frown upon this action, Better to be safe than sorry mate. :(



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By the sound of it as Cranners says it must have been a large deep warren, with the long waits you had, and IMO I wouldnt feed a ferret and then rework it, a drink may be OK, but what do you want to do after dinner....sleep. Good luck next time.






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IMO I wouldnt feed a ferret and then rework




Lets just see, if i was a ferret with an empty stomach, 1. i wouldnt want to work because id be so lethargic and 2. as soon as i saw a rabbit i would go off and kill it and eat it! i feed mine right up to the day and then give them a handful of biscuits each in their box which rarely gets eaten and constant water stops! then atleast if they do kill one they dont lay up! oh and my ferrets enjoy it too much to want to sleep.



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Welcome to the world of Ferreting Woodyfirst,sounds like a tricky place to learn on ,


if i may offer you a few words of advice,get a locator for next season,keep your ferrets well fed before you go out,and they will be fine for a days work,but a drink during the day is a good idea,

keep them in as big a home as you can,with room to play and exercise,they will be fitter and more able to cope with a days work,


and if they do lay up in a place you cant dig,whatever you do DON"T try and smoke them out!

if you have to ,leave them,fill in all holes ,then come back in the morning and uncover the holes,i've only had to do this once in 30+years of ferreting,and got the ferret back as soon as i uncoverd the holes.(that was in a high bank of soil on top of a river bank,and i could'nt get a reading on my 15' locator)


sometimes a ferret will get blocked in behind a rabbit, if it cant get out no amount of smoke will make it ,but it could very well KILL it! :D



all the best Mick.

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Welcome to the world of Ferreting Woodyfirst,sounds like a tricky place to learn on ,


if i may offer you a few words of advice,get a locator for next season,keep your ferrets well fed before you go out,and they will be fine for a days work,but a drink during the day is a good idea,

keep them in as big a home as you can,with room to play and exercise,they will be fitter and more able to cope with a days work,


and if they do lay up in a place you cant dig,whatever you do DON"T try and smoke them out!

if you have to ,leave them,fill in all holes ,then come back in the morning and uncover the holes,i've only had to do this once in 30+years of ferreting,and got the ferret back as soon as i uncoverd the holes.(that was in a high bank of soil on top of a river bank,and i could'nt get a reading on my 15' locator)


sometimes a ferret will get blocked in behind a rabbit, if it cant get out no amount of smoke will make it ,but it could very well KILL it! :P



all the best Mick.



Well said. :lol:



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