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More cod and chips


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Bad start, very cold last night, froze rowing out to the boat and then the engine would not start, luckily we had just ordered a new engine so rowed down to the marina and asked for some help, (they were not going to say no with us ordering a new 135hp engine) so the mechanic fixed the problem, faulty choke, and off we went. the solent was flat and only a light NE as we went around the needles. More trouble as the anchor pulled out but eventually setled down, Tide was pulling by now so nothing until tide slackened off about 12 ish and we started catching whiting, had 27 altogether kept those between 1 and 2 1/2 lbs, I then lost a cod when the hooks pulled out, but made up for it by catching a 13 1/2 lds cod, thinking this would be it for the day took the photo




Just after another good bight and a bit of tug of war and up came this 17 pounder





So yet another great day (unless you are a cod)





One very happy doc, four cod in two trips. rock and roll :yahoo: :yahoo:


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