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What will happen on Monday


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Nice one, Blazer as I wasn't thinking (the blasted shingles seem to have turned my brain to mush; more than usual that is!).

This may explain my problem (see my post "Devon & Cornwall Constabulary further down the index page). My cert's run out at midnight on the 20th. OK, I suppose it would fine to issue a cert' when it was known that the law might change at some point in the future. However, issuing mine effective 00.01 hours 21 Dec' under the previous legislation could cause a problem and arguably it would be illegal.

Does this make sense? my previous post was just D@C, but now this would be applicable nationwide; anyone else similarly affected?


Edited by wymberley
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Quite possibly not much, this is only the Committees report and as its the day before MP's break up for Christmas I don't expect the House to be packed.


Rest assured BASC are on the case, and like any report there wil be good bits as well as other parts that will need more lobbying on.


Watch this space, the report is embargoed until Monday, I will post the BASC response firt thing in the morning



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Quite possibly not much, this is only the Committees report and as its the day before MP's break up for Christmas I don't expect the House to be packed.


Rest assured BASC are on the case, and like any report there wil be good bits as well as other parts that will need more lobbying on.


Watch this space, the report is embargoed until Monday, I will post the BASC response firt thing in the morning



good man david .


Harnser .

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Well its out:

linky thing


In short:

Although the majority of firearms-related crimes are not committed with licensed firearms, the Committee is also concerned about the use of legally-owned weapons in domestic shootings, including those related to domestic abuse. The Committee therefore:


-Calls for a review of the minimum age limits on the use of firearms and eligibility for firearms certificates, with the aim of reducing inconsistency and complexity around the use of firearms by children;


-Welcomes the news that GPs are to be consulted on every new and repeat licence application, to ensure that they are assessed on the basis of accurate information about the applicant’s health. However, it was unconvinced by arguments in favour of “tagging” licence holders’ medical records.


-Recommends tighter restrictions and clearer guidance to the police on the granting of firearms and shotgun licences to individuals who have engaged in criminal activity.


-Suggests that the Government considers requiring the police to consult the domestic partners of licence applicants in making the decision as to whether to grant a licence.


-Advocates raising the fees charged to applicants so that it covers the costs of licensing, to ensure that police spending cuts do not jeopardise the rigour of the licensing process.


-Urges greater enforcement of air weapon offences.

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-Suggests that the Government considers requiring the police to consult the domestic partners of licence applicants in making the decision as to whether to grant a licence.


Licence for some bitter and twisted partners to get revenge.


My ex would have gladly done the dirty despite there being not one violent incident in our relationship....she was nice like that.

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