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My day out in Oxford.


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I went to Oxford last Tuesday - Uncle Wills– cheap day return.

On the last occasion I visited someone shafted me for at least 200 quid for pigeon tackle. This visit was no different! I am now the complete pigeon shooter – you name it I’ve got it!

Anyway, I digress. We drove around the Oxfordshire countryside for a while, weather was dry, overcast, breezy- perfect really – I was confident, when we finally we pulled up on the side of the road. There were 2 other sets of DIYers, I was on me jack. Follow me says Will.

A couple of hundred yards down the road and we turned into a field of OSR and the biggest flock of blueies I have ever seen got up, there were thousands. Oh dear me I thought. This isn’t on the video – small groups I want on flight lines.

Cut a long storey short I heaved all this newly acquired tack and the stuff I bought last year to what I thought was the place.

Oxfordshire mud is very,very sticky. I was knackered.

By the time I had set up, all the Pigeons had f**cked off.

Farmer Giles had a 6” howitzer in the adjacent fields, sun came out shining in my face.

Anyway, I reduced that large flock of blueies by 5, two of which (the only 2) decoyed perfectly the other three as they were going to roost.

Regardless it was great to be out in the fresh air – cheers Will.


FOR SALE: Pigeon Decoying Equipment - very little used.

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I went out with Will on 14th of feb too, took my boy on a DIY day, was you the bloke in the mitsibushi 4x4? anyway was talking to another guy there with his boy who was on a full set up job, he said it was his 8th time with Will and had one day of 200 pigeons in the past! anyway we only ended up with a few pgeons, but there was loads about in big flocks about but wouldnt decoy, rotary was spooking them so took it in, also shooting over rape field, both boy and myself enjoyed the day, was good to shoot on different land, meet others and Will, hopefully will book another day with will soon


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lesf you're right, might as well give up...how much did you want for all that gear? ;)


Seriously though you've only got to read the posts on here to know that pigeon shooting's a mugs game. One good Red Letter day and ten mediocre/bad days seems to be about the norm. But then again it all depends on what you think a good/bad day is and everyone has their own opinion of that :) mmm I feel a new post coming on (no not that sort :/ )

Edited by Highlander
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Yes,Ronnie It was me in the Mitsubishi.

I'm going to try again later in the year with Will. Its quite a trek from where I live - unfortunately cant do it on a regular basis. Nice to see loads of pigeons, not many in this neck of the woods. I'm going to invest in one of these to carry all my gear....... http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/part...accessories.htm

Value for money I think.

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Looks the Biz just what my mate used to use for our sea fishing trips to lug his gear about, I too hope to have another day out with will later in the year, in the mean time iam going to sell my 5 series and get a defender or surf to lug all our ( me and the boys) decoying gear about , I seem to have alot more now than i did 20 years ago

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Yes,Ronnie It was me in the Mitsubishi.

I'm going to try again later in the year with Will. Its quite a trek from where I live - unfortunately cant do it on a regular basis. Nice to see loads of pigeons, not many in this neck of the woods. I'm going to invest in one of these to carry all my gear....... http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/part...accessories.htm

Value for money I think.

A great idea, but try pushing one of them across a wet, ploughed field...!!


I always reckon it's sod's law that the best place to be is invariably the farthest point from any form of vehicle access.



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