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Terrible story :(


But please, can we stop with all this licensing ********, there's simply no need for it as said dozens of times before - those who are responsible owners will be responsible, those who are not will not have any license, chip, tattoo or anything else. I mean *** the police can't stop the ****** stealing diesel, cable, land, farm machines, gangs carrying guns and machetes, selling drugs all over the bloody place, kids smashing up phone boxes, terrorising old folk and all the other BS that goes on.


Dont the police and councils have enough on their hands without adding "chasing dog walkers to check legality of said animal" to their list of work?



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Not that I condone this cruel act at all,


Could have been a Farmer/ landowner, peed off with poachers running dogs on his land. Caught the dogs and hung them for the poachers to see :hmm:


Then if it was a farmer then he would deserve both barrels of 12G as much as the next person - if he wanted to send them a message then why not just throw a bucket of water over one of their kids - they would tell the story for generations.

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Fishereman Mike 1/ you dont need Microchipping to see people breaking the law with dogs on a daily basis-where my mother lives in yorkshire you can see the men in the feilds chasing hares and dear on most weekends-the police do nothing.2/The only people who would suffer would be those who go to the trouble and expense of a licence e.t.c. and for what?-it woulkd just be another form of taxation that would benefit no-one.3/Like it or not-the English have developed apathy into an art form.

I,m as disgusted as the next man about the whole affair concerning these poor creatures but i,m also a realist and as such i i have to live with the fact that the chits (im sorry i cant use the words i want to) who did this will never be punished sufficiently for this crime.

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Absolute ******** ....punishment if ever caught should be severe.


When my Tam reached her end after 15 years from a 18 month old foundling, I was totally gutted when I had to take her to the vets for the last time. And that was humane!!




Mate, it might be an idea to remove your postcode from your location - you never know who is reading these posts (A bit sad but it took me one min to identify your block of houses with the postcode and get nice google earth pictures of the house - on an assumption you are a sgc/fa holder it's not always best to over advertise).

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Never :no:

probably some foreign trash we've let in to live amongst us in harmony, you will probably find its some kind of common practice among whoever did it. The authorities will look the other way afraid of them playing the race card. Ten years time they will be cooking dogs and slaughtering them on the roadside. I'm off to australia where they have proper Christian laws and values.
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