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Jack Pyke suit

henry d

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I didn`t want to resurect an old topic, so wondered if others thought the same ?


Got a whole suit as above, jacket, trousers, mitts and flat cap for Christmas and I used the jacket yesterday when beating with just a shirt underneath with a nasty wind blowing down the valley and a few snow flurries. I have to say I was not hot whilst walking and if I stopped the wind started to cut through it.


Went out today in heavy rain in the full suit, minus the stupid cammo flat cap, to walk the dog and no damp patches inside, so I presume that the water stayed out. The dog was wringing wet as was the peak of my deerhunter cap, so for a first time out I am hopeful it stays as waterproof.


The best thing for me is the mitts/gloves, I can`t wait to try them wildfowling/pigeon shooting or stalking.


Anyone have any niggles (except the cartridge loops) or constructive criticism ?

Edited by henry d
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I don't know which suit you got Henry, but my Jack Pyke jacket is over 2 years old, have been through brambles and been hooked by thorns many times, it still looks like new and not a scratch on it; It's warm and shower proof for not a lot of money compared to many similar jackets out there....!!


Good on Jack Pyke :good:

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Yeah the cartridge loops are a waste of time Henry,but the pockets are deep enough to stuff heck load in anyway so its no loss.One thing i do hate and point blankly refuse to wear is the foldaway hood because its not attached to the coat and makes you look like an extra from Little house on the prarie (its like a 17th century bonnet!).


Good points-its warm,wind proof,shower proof,comfortable and a good price too.I've never managed to snag the material on thorns or brambles despite going through some tough vegetation.The only damage mine has had is a torn pocket,but this was due to my dog taking off in a different direction while my hand and his lead were in the pocket.A few minutes with a needle and thread soon sorted it though.

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My only real frustration with these and many others is the HARD buttons, press studs, exposed zips, whatever.


First off they knock and make a noise and they also have a tendancy to scratch wooden stocks.


Call me a tart if you like but the Deerhunter Range commony have all the hard bits concealed or soft feel studs etc! :good:

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My only real frustration with these and many others is the HARD buttons, press studs, exposed zips, whatever.


First off they knock and make a noise and they also have a tendancy to scratch wooden stocks.


Call me a tart if you like but the Deerhunter Range commony have all the hard bits concealed or soft feel studs etc! :good:


Not a tart at all - It really annoys me with some jackets, zips and hard popper covers marking my stock.


I rate Pyke gear, affordable and functional and the jacket I have is good & I would buy another (jacket is 12months old) mine is worn mostly for lamping.

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I don't know which suit you got Henry..


Sorry, Hunter jacket etc. :blush:


...........One thing i do hate and point blankly refuse to wear is the foldaway hood because its not attached to the coat.....


Mine is, and to be honest it is only there for worst case scenarios as it is brown plastic yeuch !


My only real frustration with these and many others is the HARD buttons, press studs, exposed zips, whatever.


First off they knock and make a noise and they also have a tendancy to scratch wooden stocks.


Call me a tart if you like but the Deerhunter Range commony have all the hard bits concealed or soft feel studs etc! :good:


Tart......... I have an eastern european cotton sniper jacket and it is beautifully soft but the poppers sound like a tanbourine band if I don`t do them up.


Thanks for the heads up :good:

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