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Essex Team Shoot 2011


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The Essex Team shoot will be taking place on Bank Holiday Monday, 30th May. As in previous years it's two teams of five shooting 100 birds back to back over 13 stands.


£30 per gun, I'll pay the deposit and team members can pay on the day.


This is always an excellent shoot so it'll be good to have two full teams as we did last year....


Markio and myself will be entering the teams so let us know if interested.


Cheers :good:


Runners so far (not worried about squads just yet)






Edited by Bagsy
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I won't pay the deposit and you can ******* cough up now! :lol:;) No really, get your money out. /Chuckles/


Bagsy, i didn't realise you had already started organising when i started rallying the troops last night hence i had already made the suggestion that Myself, PhilR, Bigweed, Bob (Confirmed) & DangerousDave (TBC) make up squad "Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead" as we did last year, although i'm sure none of us care what squad were in so we can leave it open till the numebrs build up?


EDIT: DangerousDave is in, pending day off/shift etc, he will confirm as soon as poss.

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I'd tentatively setup a squad with DangerousDave in it, as Baz is now confirmed as in it makes sense for DangerousDave to be exiled with great force from Team Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead and MC join us. In the event of non-similar start times it makes logistic sense for Myself, 300Watt Bob MC to car share (as it will for EE & DD). That and Barry guffs a lot.


So then, that makes Team "Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead" as:







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I'll go for the 9/9:15/9:30am slots, you get to choose 3 and they'll do their best to give you one of the those choices. We've always got one of the slots we asked for. :good:


Bagsy, are you going for an early start?


Looks good to me, we'll opt for the same times so we can have a cuddle before we start :good:

Edited by Bagsy
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