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Ambulance chasers


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Yup... :yes:


he is a director of the company and has the letters LLB after his name. although i did have to google what that meant...lol


I can pm you the company name and his if you wish....




Why does he have Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen after his name?? is it some kind of fan club or something??

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Now after all this i would say yes it has affected my ability to function and earn the living i had before the accident, i have filled my vehicle with LPG on literally hundreds of occasions as my Fuel card will show, i also drive a personal dual fuel vehicle which i have filled hundreds of times before without incident.


I do hope i have justified myself to you in that i have a reason for looking at claiming from a company that had defective equipment on their forecort.


So, are you signed off as 'sick' by your GP or the hospital? Are you preparing to claim for incapacity benefits and disability living allowance as you now have (and will have moving forward) limited or severely reduced use of your arm. Are you permanently disfigured because of this and is this going to affect your life moving forward and mean you can no longer (or for a significant time) enjoy the life you did or earn the money you did before the accident. If this happened whilst filling a company vehicle, it may well be regarded as an industrial accident... are you preparing to claim for that?


Sorry but no... you have justified nothing... from what I read, you got something on your arm that caused freezer burn and some (probably significant) short term pain, there isn't even any blistering from what I remember.


Equipment can break. in fact it does all the time. If there had been 6 months worth of clients all spraying themselves because the owners couldn't be bothered to repair a fault then the owners deserve to be prosecuted and fined heavily for negligence.. note I said fined and not ordered to pay any compensation. Compensation should be paid where, in the true meaning of the word, your loss of earnings or earnings potential, or disfigurement or inability to live life to the full extent you previously did needs to be compensated for. You suffered a little pain..... big deal! Please get a life and leave the compensation culture to die the death it deserves.


To put your 'life changing' injury into perspective... my mate, who is was also a damned fine target shooter, creamed his right arm years ago in a motorbike accident, he has had maybe 25% use of it since and had to re-learn to write and function left handed (no mean feat, I can tell you!) 4 months ago a 3 ton vehicle body fell on his left arm when he was removing something from underneath it. The rigging had been incorectly set and it gave way, right at the moment it shouldn't have. The result was THREE compound fractures of his arm, his bicep was completely torn in half (mainly by his humerus as it sliced theough it on it's exit from his body!) and at the same time his brachial artery was completely severed! He is incredibly lucky to be alive, if the ambulance crew had got there 5 minutes later than they did, he would have bled out, as it was it took them 30 minutes to stabilize him before deeming it safe to transport him to hospital. The prognosis? probably 30-40% usage long term but so much nerve damage was done he will have little or no feeling in his lower arm moving forward and it is unlikely to return.


He is 'trying' to claim compensation at the moment, and quite rightly too... the employer was negligent as the equipment had been incorrectly set and he will probably struggle to find work again as he will never have more than 30-40% use of of either arm / hand in the future, it has also wrecked his leisure time as he will no longer be able to shoot. Even with all this he is finding it difficult to get the claim through and if succesful it will take probably more than a year. Thankfully he will get an industrial injuries pension which means he will have some money to try and feed his family with!


I hope that puts your little day or two of pain into some kind of perspective? I hope you get the thousands in compensation you are looking for and feel smug when you think of what you have done... and I also hope that one day, someone decides to bankrupt you for some trivial matter over which you had no idea or control at that point in time.


Every one of these ambulance chasing claims takes us one step closer to the american model of suing for ANYTHING just becasue you don't like it.. as long as you can afford the lawyers you can basically put anyone out on the streets! And to quote a line from one of my favourite movies.....


...there I am in St. Kitt's in my

new Kamali leopard skin V-cut

bikini which is going to turn back

the clock on our marriage five

years, you know what I mean, and I

can't even fit into it, my skin's

all pink and inflamed, and I look

like a walking social disease all

because this Ukranian bitch botched

the wax on my bikini line.



Oh my god, how ghastly, you should

sue her...


10 points to the first person to name the movie :-)

Edited by Vipa
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If my arm got burned and it was BP's fault (i.e. their defective equipment) then I would sue them.


Where does being a brave soldier get you? Why on earth would anyone want to take it on the chin and let BP off the hook? It's not like he's going to get a squillion quid out of it or put BP out of business - maybe £1k I would have thought.

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I take it you don't agree with a compensation claim being made then? :blink:


Jacksdad.... did you read my post... I do not have any problem whatsoever with compensation claims....... where there is something to compensate! A day or 2 of pain, severe or not is not something to be compensated for, there is no loss, no loss of earnings, no loss of property, no loss of ability to funcion, no loss of potential. It was an accident and even if negligence on the part of the garage could be proven, the garage should be fined, compensation should not be paid because there is nothing to compensate.


Was he taking all necessary precautions? did he ensure his arms were covered?, was he wearing safety glasses?, did he thoroughly inspect HIS equipment before commencing filling? All valid questions or will the response be that no one told him he should take precautions... Sounds like common sense to me... but then it is incidents like this that gave us the obligatory warning now printed on all McDonalds coffee cups stating 'CAUTION, THE CONTENTS ARE HOT!," all because some idiot managed to burn herself by spilling a cup of coffee on her hand and decided to sue them... her argument.... no one told her that the coffee would be hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***.... The world has gone mad and sadly, the OP is just another example of the greed out there at the moment and the attitude that he shouldn't have to take ANY responsibility!


"they gave me the wrong ladder!" :lol::lol::lol: perhaps he should have questioned the choice BEFORE he climbed up it :hmmm::hmmm::hmmm:

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And to quote a line from one of my favourite movies.....


...there I am in St. Kitt's in my

new Kamali leopard skin V-cut

bikini which is going to turn back

the clock on our marriage five

years, you know what I mean, and I

can't even fit into it, my skin's

all pink and inflamed, and I look

like a walking social disease all

because this Ukranian bitch botched

the wax on my bikini line.



Oh my god, how ghastly, you should

sue her...


10 points to the first person to name the movie :-)








Wall Street. :good:



EDIT: just to shorten the long quote.

Edited by MM
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I really hate ambulance chasing... we just don't need a litigous society like the Americans but with every little incident like this more and more 'no win no fee' companies will crawl out from under their squalid little rocks with pound signs rolling round in their eyes...


Did it occur to you after this petrochemical liquid was sprayed up your arm to go and wash it off? It's certainly the first thing I would do!


What exactly are you thinking about claiming for? loss of earnings? inability to work? Are you ABSOLUTELY sure it was their equipment at fault and not yours???


Accidents happen and I'm sorry, but unless this has somehow affected your ability to function as you did before or earn the living you did before I think you are way off the mark even considering claiming.. it's things like this that are dragging this country somewhere it really doesn't want to be.... I really do dispair :no::no:



but then it is incidents like this that gave us the obligatory warning now printed on all McDonalds coffee cups stating 'CAUTION, THE CONTENTS ARE HOT!," all because some idiot managed to burn herself by spilling a cup of coffee on her hand and decided to sue them... her argument.... no one told her that the coffee would be hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***.... The world has gone mad and sadly, the OP is just another example of the greed out there at the moment and the attitude that he shouldn't have to take ANY responsibility!


"they gave me the wrong ladder!" :lol::lol::lol: perhaps he should have questioned the choice BEFORE he climbed up it :hmmm::hmmm::hmmm:



I hate to say it but I'm with Vipa. I hate all this compensation lark! Ok, if you lost fingers or suffered serious injury then yes it's a good thing, but you didn't.


You got some minor burns from the cold of the LPG. Your arm hurts and you've had to take a couple of days off of work perhaps? I'm sorry but claims like this are what make my insurance cost such a bloody fortune in the first place. I'm a firm believer in "**** happens" and "look where you're going stupid". So it jetted out freezing liquid the first time and missed you - so you have another go.... It's as much your fault as theirs and it's not like they intended to hurt you.


Don't get me wrong I am sympathetic of your ordeal, it sounds nasty. But why does everyone think "hey, I could make a few quid here"? Will a grand fix your arm? No. Just deal with it!

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We wouldnt need a compensation culture if things were done properly in the first place. I myself had an industial accident 6 years ago your, employer can just tell you to get stuffed and go ahead and break any laws they feel like. I think everyone can agree if you are injured by someone elses neglegence you should be able to do something about it. The problem is there is no proper system you have to go to a lier...i mean lawyer.

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Hi all

There are systems in place for bad accidents I am pleased to say. On feb 10 2008 I had an accident at work I have not walked unaided since and spend most of my time in a wheelchair. I will not shoot again and I am just starting to rebuild my life again after nearly 3 years.I was not at fault and I employed a very good barister who worked well with me to a good settlement. But I would give the world to walk with my dogs again and to shoot and fish.Since the accident diabetes and cholesteral have had a go at the system due to weight gain caused through inactivity and the mind as gone of in a different tangent. I get angry with myself for being in this state It is funny how your freinds dissapear. I kept my company running for 11 momths after the accident and told my staff to take any other work they wanted if they thought it was better 3 stayed with me till the company was sold. The point is if there is negligence which causes great distres then claim If it is just a small accident that can be sorted out between the other party it may be best to do this.



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