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awkward fo


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applied for my grandads .243 and the fo is saying that it wont be granted to lack of experince. now since i was a wee lad i have been with my granddad who was a game keeper all over the country shooting fox and deer before he dide now the fo is saying i dont have a letter saying im experinced and that i MUST complete a dsc and i must go out shooting with a stalker 3 times a week for the next 6 months to get it and i carnt have a open certificate to shoot deer with my grandads keeper mate who lives in scotland running a 30 000 acre estate. wat a joke and to top it of its not even like im applying for a fac i already have it. im meeting the fo on the 14th any wise words thanks joe

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this is more likely to have come from licensing and youer FEO is simply passing on what is fast becoming 'set procedure'.My nephew is currently applying for his FAC and is almost 17,having shot since he was 8.His application has been returned with a 'supervisory' condition and I phoned licensing on his behalf saying he's not well chuffed.(BASC told me it is basically an **** covering exercise and apart from that couldn't/wouldn't offer any help,except to tell me if the condition was still on after 3 months to let them know.We'll see)Anyhow,the person from licensing was very polite and courteous and so was I,and though they were sympathetic there wasn't a lot they could do.I pointed out that he'd been shooting for so many years and that he was safer than some adults I know,to which they replied they only had my word for that,to which the obvious reply was that they also only had my word for it that he would be supervised,and that by law he is allowed to take out his rifle unsupervised.We agreed that if he can persuade his FEO at interview,that he knows what he's doing,then we would take it from there.

Conditions are non-appealable,so get it sorted before your application is approved.Good luck. :good:

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applied for my grandads .243 and the fo is saying that it wont be granted to lack of experince. now since i was a wee lad i have been with my granddad who was a game keeper all over the country shooting fox and deer before he dide now the fo is saying i dont have a letter saying im experinced and that i MUST complete a dsc and i must go out shooting with a stalker 3 times a week for the next 6 months to get it and i carnt have a open certificate to shoot deer with my grandads keeper mate who lives in scotland running a 30 000 acre estate. wat a joke and to top it of its not even like im applying for a fac i already have it. im meeting the fo on the 14th any wise words thanks joe



If you have been shooting with you Grandad all this time surely someone else ie; game keeper friends in Scotlsnd could write you a letter to say you have shot with a cf rifle and you are experienced enough to have one without the need for any further training. Do you have an open cert for your rf ? if so and you have had it for a few years you should get the 243 open no problems. If you still have no luck try and get one of your mates to mentor you for a couple of months if that is what it takes to get it.As far as shooting with your grandads mate on a 30,000 acre eastate he works on Im 100% sure that the land will be cleared for almost any legal calibre avaliable to you. Good luck with your meeting :good:

Edited by Luckyshot
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applied for my grandads .243 and the fo is saying that it wont be granted to lack of experince. now since i was a wee lad i have been with my granddad who was a game keeper all over the country shooting fox and deer before he dide now the fo is saying i dont have a letter saying im experinced and that i MUST complete a dsc and i must go out shooting with a stalker 3 times a week for the next 6 months to get it and i carnt have a open certificate to shoot deer with my grandads keeper mate who lives in scotland running a 30 000 acre estate. wat a joke and to top it of its not even like im applying for a fac i already have it. im meeting the fo on the 14th any wise words thanks joe



Someone is 'avin a larf with you, 78 trips out with a stalker and a DSC.


Do you have suitable Deer/fox shooting land?


The Home Office consider .243 suitable for fox, I think I must be missing something here! :hmm::hmm:

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