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gun fit...gun fit


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Hi,that's all i ever hear,go and get your gun fitted,

I'd say that my shooting is below adverage,and sometimes I have great days (90% on clays),others days i can bearly hit a barn door (8% on clays),anyway upon reccomendation i went to see a gunsmith in Pembury Kent today,we had a chat,he adjusted the comb (it's a Semi)then he removed the pad,and taped it in a different position,it felt great.Went pigeon shooting today,only saw 7 pigeons today,5 in range,5 shoots all hit.really impressed,got to try it out a bit more then he suggested fitting an adjustable kick-ezz pad .It felt like a different gun.Gun mount was the same sight picture each mount :good:

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Just goes to show the importance of gun fit, hope it continues to be good for you..... although you shot pretty well before at the clay shoot :lol:

Equally as important is correct/consistant mounting, get them both together and your off and running.....


Dave ;)

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I do cringe at the comments of some saying gun fit is pointless and expensive, good to see another member realising the joys of having a gun fitted, my mount is still a bit wobbly (need more practise!) But it does not have to cost a fortune and can make a big difference!

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try this if you want to make sure your gun fit is perfect, hold the shotgun by your hip, close your eyes and mount the gun as fast as possible, then its in the cheek, open your eyes, if you can see JUST the bead and right down the barrels straight, gun fit is perfect, if not then you will need to make changes! as soon as we incorprate our eyes we move the gun to fit eyes instead of the gun fitting correctly! best of luck mate :)

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I am a gun fit supporter, but I have to say I never see the bead on my gun.d It has been fitted correctly and expertly by Peter Godfey at Royston Herts, (great stocker), and when the fitting was made 20+years ago my shooting improved immediatley and the bead was never seen again, although I think it is still at the end of my 32" barrels.





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