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worth applying or not?


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evening all.

my dads asked me if he could apply for his shotgun licence and keep his gun at my house with mine..

the question is that he was convicted of drink driving 15 years ago, i know it dont make this stupid act anymore acceptable but he was still over the limit when he got up for work.He has never been convicted of any other crime and he his nearly 60 now..


is it worth him applying or dont you think its worth it.


he shoots with me every weekend and he has permission for hundreds of acres.


cheers all.

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As long as he did not get a lengthy custodial sentence and has no other convictions/underlying medical problems, the odds are he should be ok.


Be prepared for medical references to be sought and questions from the region!


Bottom line is, as someone else said, ring the region and sound them out, nobody here can answer the question.


If he applies and things start looking bad, then withdraw the application rather than getting a formal refusal!



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he was just over the limit at 5 am on way to work...the sad thing about it was he wasnt supposed to be working..they phoned him up for emergency call out...anyway, he was banned for 12 months driving but no sentence or anything.


he is mainly my helper,ferreter and decoy man when he comes with me but he has full permission to access the land without me being there.


cheers all...think i will phone my fao monday...nothing to lose hay. :rolleyes:

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If he only got a 12 month ban and that was 15years ago he will be fine for a shotgun application i know a few lads that have had their licence's taken and have had their ticket a couple of years later.

It makes you think how many of us have had to go to work early and had a drink the night before


Good Luck with the Apllication

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Bumped into an ex collegue a couple of weeks ago, turns out he has 3 months left on his driving ban for DD. He was pulled over after he collected his car from the pub carpark at 9.30 on the morning after.


He had to attend one of the seminars on drink driving and he said he was told that that from April the DD limit is coming down so after drinking just one pint of beer you will be over the limit.

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He will be fine it thats all he has done wrong, its always best to add a letter to the application explaining the circumstances anyway. I was convicted for drink driving, silly mistake but hind sight is a wonderful thing, that was 20yrs ago and I have both shotgun and firearm certs. I have always enclose letters of explaination as there isnt much room on the application forms and was never questioned about the dd by FEO's on application visits. Its always best to be honest and upfront, there aint many of us who havent sinned just some are luckier than others.

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