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bad kill rate


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im struggling so much with shooting 12b..

i dont no if its because so use to rifle shooting or im just c..p :hmm:

last few times out been finding it hard to hit anything flying near me, i think im trying to hard to improve were cant even hit shoots now that i could before, i have read loads of diffrent ways of shooting but dont no where im going wrong, might have to find someone to watch me and give me some answers of whats going so wrong,

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Trip to the local clay club with a coach ...?

It might be more a case of the 'why' rather than 'where' of your shooting ?

I went from shotgun to rifle ... not as short a step as it looks. But there's a whole lot of skills and understanding that are common to both.

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Trip to the local clay club with a coach ...?

It might be more a case of the 'why' rather than 'where' of your shooting ?

I went from shotgun to rifle ... not as short a step as it looks. But there's a whole lot of skills and understanding that are common to both.

yeah i think ur right, its aming at the target,

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Rifle shooters commonly cause coaches to have to work a bit harder getting them corrected.


A rifle shooter has a static target and their skill is steadiness of a non-moving gun.


The stance adopted for this is usually different from an ideal shotgun stance.


On top of stance and mount - a good coach will also introduce you to the concepts of analysing a target, and planning the shot.


How to get you feet right for taking the shot.

Finding the visual pick up spot, and identifying a correct gun hold position.

The "method" and other methods for seeing the sight picture and applying correct lead.


Chances are that you are standing poorly and slashing targets. This randomly puts shot loads in front of targets hitting a few. Good for corporate days and for self trained people seems to give initial good results, but ultimately the break ratio plateaus and you cant progress or analyses what's going wrong.


See a coach and get the basic established for good stance, mount and swing before bad practices become subliminal and are much harder to change.


So many people come on to coaches after a year or so of shooting with a whole set of ingrained bad habits. These are much harder to change for the better at this point. If you dont know about your quality of stance and mount, and you have no established technique, get to a coach as soon as possible and get sorted out.

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Coach all the way, when I shoot I shoot at what I want to hit and everything else just pales away, the coach will stand and watch and then like they said to me,,,


You lifted your head off the stock,,,,

Leant back then,,,,

Watch your feet,,,,

Lean into it and relax,,,


Then as if by magic clays were broken. £45, 50 clays, one hour, great fun and I hit things far more now, (1 in three pigeons average and 1 in 2 for pheasants)


I now do clays every three months or so with a mate and the spot for me and let me know where I miss.

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Been through a similar experience myself after returning to shooting after many years away. I eventually saw the light and went back to basics. Gun fit. Gun mount and lots and lots of practice with the basics. Stay relaxed and focused on th target and eventually it will all come together. Don't panic! Good Luck!

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I 've just got back from my local clay club this morning and i would say its the worst i've shot for a long time. Funny though i seemed to be lacking confidence in my shooting this morning and i fully believe that was reflected in my score today. You get days when you seem to be doing everything that you would normally do and it just does'nt work out.

IMO you can literally "WILL" the target to break, but if for one moment you think "i'm going to miss this one" then as sure as fate you will. What i'm saying is try not to think about your misses but concentrate on hitting the target.

Don't know what everyone else thinks of this theory. I agree that some coaching would help as well. :good:


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I would recommend a coach too.


I was having problems a year ago and one lesson just taught me how I should be shooting. Thinking of treating myself to another one soon as my kill rate on clays has plateaued at around 70% and I think a bit of fine tuning will do me good.


It's cheaper than missing then trying to second guess yourself in the long run :good:

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Only place I've been to that way is Ian Cawthorne at the SWSS, over near Barnstable .. excellent coach and ground and he does all the coaching.

Probably a way from you tho' ?


Ian at South West Shooting School is a Senior CPSA Tutor, and the CPSA technical rep for the SW. Worth a trip to Ilfracombe as you will get the best coaching around.

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