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a few more pics of my bitch


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hi guys following the nice comments on my earlier thread i though id post a few more pics of Meeka


1st photo is is from last week just messing about at the beach

2nd photo is from last autumn as me and meeka cross the marsh for the start of an evening flight

3rd photo from this january as meeka excitedly waits for a drive to start






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Said it before, lovely looking dog!


Again excuse my ignorance, but what is this breed good for in the sport? Can they be trained in all aspects or are they specialist in a particular part?


Do you use her to pick up from a hide?

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Said it before, lovely looking dog!


Again excuse my ignorance, but what is this breed good for in the sport? Can they be trained in all aspects or are they specialist in a particular part?


Do you use her to pick up from a hide?


Hiya the Vizsla is one of the HPR hunt point and retrieve breeds theyre very intelligent but require lots of time and energy it takes about two years to fully train but so far she has come on well ive taken her out this season wildfowling ( but i hardly shot anything so that cant be judged too much)plus theyre not really meant for it but she showed great patience, when it got cold she wore a 5mm wetsuit to keep her warm.


she developed her nose beating this season which helped her game finding abilities having loads of steady points !! darn those spaniels who used to come in and flush her birds lol and was allowed to pick up a few pheasants and finnished the season well with a few runners and birds other dogs couldnt find so i was well chuffed with that


and shes great company in the hide marks the birds in flight then looks at me in disgust each time i miss, !! shes steady as well and dont run in


but best of all is out walking the fields and woods working her and then seeing her going on point flushing then retrieving it is one of the best feelings ever!!


still bit of work to do need to improve her distance when hunting and reafirming everything shes learnt so far, theyre a very loyal dog but require a lot of exercise 2 or 3 times a day and are deffinately not a pet dog to be left unatended arround the house.



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hiya mate great to here from you again hows your pup ?


He is doing well, did his first blind retrieves this morning and he did quite well. Didn't spend much time on the marsh this season as had some stuff to deal with which landed on some of the best months shooting but I should be joining next season. Did you spend much time on the mud ?

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He is doing well, did his first blind retrieves this morning and he did quite well. Didn't spend much time on the marsh this season as had some stuff to deal with which landed on some of the best months shooting but I should be joining next season. Did you spend much time on the mud ?


as much as i could went out about 14 times would of been more but the missus booted me out and i had to find somewhere to live !!

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as much as i could went out about 14 times would of been more but the missus booted me out and i had to find somewhere to live !!


Harsh man at least you have the dog and guns. They are all the same. I went out about 3-4 times and got stuck in the mud on hauling side, quite funny once you have gotten out if it!!

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