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open ticket

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im looking to get my rifle onto an open licence as ive been ask a few times to go out with mates on their lsnd lamping also a farmer next to my permission has said i can shoot foxs on his land as long as im on a open ticket is there any thing i can do to help get an open ticket or is it down to the police

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im looking to get my rifle onto an open licence as ive been ask a few times to go out with mates on their lsnd lamping also a farmer next to my permission has said i can shoot foxs on his land as long as im on a open ticket is there any thing i can do to help get an open ticket or is it down to the police



If you shoot on a lot of land and ...the farmer business above, tell your region, and ask them to remove your restrictions. :good:

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Not as easy as that,It depends on how long you have been shooting,what experience you have,and also if the police consider you experienced enough to have an open licence.


the more permissiosn you have does help.


Depends on what area you are from. My fac was opened up from hmr-243 for vermin right through to deer, no awquard conditions all because a few of my farmers refused to have their land cleared (their words not mine) flo was fine with that and proceded to open up my fac fully all within 7 months. :good:

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If you're current ticket states over 'approved land' make sure you ring the FLO to check the ground has been cleared whenever you go out, they'll be only too keen to give you an open slot if it'll mean you stop calling them all the time!

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Not as easy as that,It depends on how long you have been shooting,what experience you have,and also if the police consider you experienced enough to have an open licence.


the more permissiosn you have does help.


I beg to differ. As said above, all down to where you live.


I had one patch, 6 months FAC. One letter sent and it was opened up.

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Billy what did you put in your letter realy dont know what to put


Just go along the lines of:


"I have had numerous requests from landowners to deal with foxes, but have had to turn these down, as their land was not cleared. I feel that I am unable to carry out my pest control duties and have subsequently lost out to others who have got open tickets."

Edited by Billy.
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I put that I regularly shoot with other FAC holders and it is not always feasible to get every bit of land surveyed if I may actually only end up shooting there a couple of times. This shooting can often be in the form of “helping out” for a specific problem but at the moment I am consigned to be driver and dog handler only.


Seemed to do the trick.

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