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Well its Nice to see you all again, Im Big Dave 14 well im 15 now but we wont get into that. I havent been able to post for ages as Iv been doing my exams at school and have my GCSE 'S to look foward to next year then when they were over I had trouble with my password but iv got that fixed now. Well im back and im looking ing forward to some great posts and some good fun! ;):D

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Iv got one, tell them how much you know about the countryside and shooting sports you shoot your self they would much rather some one who loves the countryside rather than some one with A+ and A stars.

+ If you want cooking and washing your mum could mail it to you

you could have an account with parcel Force ! ;)

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Hey EGNWT (soz cant type out all your name)


When I interview at work we use a technique called either a funnel or star (they mean the same thing) it goes like this...


S = Situation

T = Task

A = Action

R = Results


I open with a question, in this case eg "tell me EGNWT have you any experience of the countryside"? This is the situation ok.


You respond with the usual yes and expand on that.....


They then ask you about a particular task you completed in your previous answer


So you answer that you tell them what the task was ok


They will then ask you to describe the actions you took to complete the task


You tell them what YOU did but at this point you SHOULD say somewhere in your answer " I was as part of the team responsible for ....... blah, blah, blah......... ACTION


And finally they will ask you what was the result of your actions ie what happened or what was the results?


You say I achieved this an that etc.... So you see the process is like a funnel it opens up with broad questions and then they pick points out of your answer that will give them a understanding of

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Welcome back Big Dave, its good to hear you have been concentrating on school work.

I was getting worried, I thought you may have stowed away to Canada, or the US. :D


egnwt, best of luck with the interview ;) .

I was a Personnel Manager at one time and conducted quite a few interviews.

Be careful with the eye contact. Don,t stare at them too much, or they might think you are a bit nutty. ???

A good tip, is to smile, relax and be pleasant.

Also go armed with a few questions to ask them.

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