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Pay to Shoot vermin


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do any of you go beating on a shoot you can get a mile of pigeon shooting off of keepers over crop or roost shooting lamping off of there truck's etc and doesnt cost a penny only a bottle or two. i have a few i go on and with my own permission i am never short of a place to go :good:

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Well I have paid for days pigeon shooting with a guide several times and will be again this coming tuesday.

The one I go with is excellent and works hard to ensure you have a good day. OK the pigeons cannot be garanteed but he will put you in one area for a hour or so while he goes and checks out some other areas, he will then come back and see how you are getting on.


I have shot as little as 5 and as many as 55 on days with him and had the opportunity to shoot many more and missed.


I have my own fields I can shoot on and on monday of this week picked up a few hundred acres of peas that have just been drilled but it is nice to shoot somewhere different and let someone else do the hard work for a change.


As for doing the farmer a favour? Do you really believe that? If you do then I ask you to go and tell him that. I would bet you won't have your "Permission" very long.

It is him doing you a favour by letting you on his land to carry out the sport that you love doing.

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This is a area that really annoys me. I shoot vermin on a game syndicate. I don't pay, but then again I don't claim a wage for beating and work through the year doing odd jobs like feeding pheasants, building sheds and pens, dealing with trespassers and poachers. There are three farmers on the shoot, two of who have farm shops and deal with the game trade. Neither will buy shot pigeons, rabbits or squirrels from us. None will buy cartridges or banger ropes. None will go out and put flags or scarecrows out and none will go out or send someone out to fire a shot or walk pigeons or geese off the land. They just pick up the phone and tell the shooting tenant about the problem and expect it to be sorted immediately.


In the good times I can shoot 30 - 60 pigeons, yet often can't pick all of them because the farmers don't want dogs or us in the crops, if I did pick them I couldn't sell them because they won't take them and the nearest game dealer is more fuel away than the price of the birds, and I don't have a freezer. In bad times I can be sat there for hours without a shot because the farmer has seen the field 'blue over'. And I sometimes get grief about driving on the green lanes to shoot pigeons on their land, in my time, at my expense, at their request!


One of them told me that he was going to get a professional pigeon shooter in. This is a guy who won't even buy the lads a cartridge or put banger ropes out, won't let them pick shot birds in his crops, won't buy pigeons at trade rates to pass on to his regular contacts and does nothing but grumble about us walking in his crops to put deeks out or driving the green lanes to get to the field. If there is a pigeon shooting charity out there who can be on site 24/7, levitate over crops and lanes and doesn't charge, or better still pays for the privilidge, this guy needs to know about them.

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lol. That made me laugh. Ive had the farmers on my permission call quite a few times claiming plagues of pigeons only for me to rock up and find nada!


I always treat a shooting permission as a privilege but then I also aim to do the farmer a service by keeping his land pest free and responding to his requests!

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This is a area that really annoys me. I shoot vermin on a game syndicate. I don't pay, but then again I don't claim a wage for beating and work through the year doing odd jobs like feeding pheasants, building sheds and pens, dealing with trespassers and poachers. There are three farmers on the shoot, two of who have farm shops and deal with the game trade. Neither will buy shot pigeons, rabbits or squirrels from us. None will buy cartridges or banger ropes. None will go out and put flags or scarecrows out and none will go out or send someone out to fire a shot or walk pigeons or geese off the land. They just pick up the phone and tell the shooting tenant about the problem and expect it to be sorted immediately.


In the good times I can shoot 30 - 60 pigeons, yet often can't pick all of them because the farmers don't want dogs or us in the crops, if I did pick them I couldn't sell them because they won't take them and the nearest game dealer is more fuel away than the price of the birds, and I don't have a freezer. In bad times I can be sat there for hours without a shot because the farmer has seen the field 'blue over'. And I sometimes get grief about driving on the green lanes to shoot pigeons on their land, in my time, at my expense, at their request!


One of them told me that he was going to get a professional pigeon shooter in. This is a guy who won't even buy the lads a cartridge or put banger ropes out, won't let them pick shot birds in his crops, won't buy pigeons at trade rates to pass on to his regular contacts and does nothing but grumble about us walking in his crops to put deeks out or driving the green lanes to get to the field. If there is a pigeon shooting charity out there who can be on site 24/7, levitate over crops and lanes and doesn't charge, or better still pays for the privilidge, this guy needs to know about them.


He's got you by the short and curlys!

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Do you know what would make it easier is if some of the people who have permissions were less protective about it. I mean near me there are acres and acres sown up to the same people and I very rarely see them on it. I know land is hard to get and you have to be a bit protective but you would have thought a good shooter would at least let someone lend a permission for a day if only to service the farmers needs better. How much land can one bloke shoot! You cant be on all land every day!


How many of you gyts have acres that you rarely get to?


i have permission to shoot over a farm of about 500 acres about 60mile from home


i havent been there for atleast 11months now.


i know that the farmer wont let anyone else shoot the land

i have had a few people call me greedy when they have seen me up there.

its not me being greedy, i wouldnt give 2 hoots if the farmer let someone else have a go, but its out of my control, i arent the 1 who decides who shoots on there!



i have a few places nearer home that i shoot regularly and the farmers dont let anyone else shoot, again, not my fault, i wouldnt care if somebody else was there every weekend, but its up to the farmer who goes on his land with a gun


but on the other hand i shoot for a farmer who will let absolutely anyone shoot on his land, he has about 300 acres and i know of well over 10 people who go there often, there is plenty to be shot, but trying to get near anything is the problem, too many cowboys shootign at 300yrd rabbits with 22 rimmys and trying to decoy pigeons 60 yards out from the hides


you cant blame the shooter if the farmer doesnt let anyone else go on his land!

Edited by TJ91
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So if I say to you 'I know its your permission but if I tell the farmer you wont object if he lets me shoot as well' you'd be OK with that?


My guess is you wouldnt or at least thats what Ive run into a lot of the time and is probably what I have issue with.


Now maybe it was a typo but you used the phrase 'I arent' so are you a Stokey?? Only 20 miles down the road from me. I coul dhelp you with all that land!!!!!!!! :D

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He's got you by the short and curlys!


No, he hasn't. The only reason I go there is as a favour to my mate who has the sporting rights, and that's what I told the farmer. I told him that if he want to get a pro' in he is more than welcome, but it will cost him twice; once to pay the pro' and also he would have to re-negotiate the rent on the sporting rights. When he gets arsey I just go to the other parts of the shoot and leave 'his' pigeons alone. It doesn't take him long to come begging. ;)

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So if I say to you 'I know its your permission but if I tell the farmer you wont object if he lets me shoot as well' you'd be OK with that?


My guess is you wouldnt or at least thats what Ive run into a lot of the time and is probably what I have issue with.


Now maybe it was a typo but you used the phrase 'I arent' so are you a Stokey?? Only 20 miles down the road from me. I coul dhelp you with all that land!!!!!!!! :D


i would be fine with it, the only people i wouldnt like going on my permissions are the cowboys that ruin the sport for others!

i regularly invite people to come for a day with me

i am not greedy at all


i have permission to shoot over alot more land than i can manage on my own

not my fault that the farmer wont let others go on their own


i think its a shame because i know some well respected pigeon shooters up in the area that would love th chance to go on their when they want, but he wont let them, regardless of what i say or what they say of knowing me


i will add that i am keen on helping others get permission

i took a fella off this forum shooting on 1 of my permissions that a couple fo others shoot aswell (but rarely)

we had a **** day but i showed the fella where the farm was and i told him i would mention his name to the farmer and put in a good word for him...which i have done

the fella i took shooting, i had never met before, i took him out and he was a very decent chap, respected teh land and was safe, i therefore have no problems getting him in with the farmer

i am unsure if he has gone back to see the farmer but if he does i would pretty much garantee he will be let on to shoot

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No, he hasn't. The only reason I go there is as a favour to my mate who has the sporting rights, and that's what I told the farmer. I told him that if he want to get a pro' in he is more than welcome, but it will cost him twice; once to pay the pro' and also he would have to re-negotiate the rent on the sporting rights. When he gets arsey I just go to the other parts of the shoot and leave 'his' pigeons alone. It doesn't take him long to come begging. ;)

pest control has nothing to do with sporting rights

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I am a farmer and if I gave someone permission and they then gave permission to someone else neither of them would have permission after that. In fact it is pretty much as a result of this that I no longer give anyone permission.

I do the shooting myself anyway so suits me, and I can't think of a situation where anybody else coming shooting would be doing me a favour.

Not all farms and not all farmers are like that, circumstances can vary a lot.


I got a phonecall off someone once (complete stranger) that had been given permission by someone else.

"Hello, I am just letting you know I am coming shooting at your place tomorrow"

"No you ****** aint!"

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That's reasonable. The shooter who got me my permission used to ask the farmer if it was ok to bring me along. Half a dozen visits later I asked the farmer if I could come on my own sometimes and there it was!


Obviously wouldn't expect a farmer to be happy about giving one bloke a permission and for him to sell it out without some kind of consent.


So then are pigeon shooters no use to you farmers? Are we never doing you a service? It had always been my impression we were but seems I'm completely wrong. Why would they want the risk or hassle if any shooters on there land then?

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The term "farming" covers a very broad spectrum of things, I can only comment from what I do. I grow fruit and veg and really the only things that I would call pests (to me) are pigeons and rabbits. Pigeons are a pest because they eat my cabbage (pheasants aren't far behind them as far as being a pest is concerned).

These tend to come in in ones and twos, not really enough to keep a "pigeon shooter" occupied/entertained (whichever way you want to look at it). Bamboo canes throughout the field with a carrier bag tied to them, plus a gas powered banger are a better way of keeping them away. This works all the time, not just when someone fancies going out for a shot. A constant presence of someone with a gun might work, but obviously that's not practical.

As said somewhere else, if I gave someone permission to shoot I would be doing them a favour, not the other way around.

I would consider it a massive favour if practically every pigeon in the area was wiped out, but that won't be achieved by coming to my place and shooting a few now and then.

As far as rabbits are concerned I have a blitz on them from time to time and almost wipe them out. This means going out with the gun at every single chance and keeping a gun with me when out on the land. This works, I do not have a rabbit problem.

My cousin on the other hand lets anybody go on his land (same crops), there's someone shooting most weekends just wandering about. The rabbits on his place are so shy you can't get near them. He has a serious rabbit problem and an awful lot of damage. So the folk he allows on are not doing him much of a favour, again it is him doing them a favour.

Crows, jackdaws, jays, fox etc do not do me any harm and I don't shoot them. That doesn't mean I am over run with them, it just means anybody coming here and shooting them isn't doing me any favours. In fact the last time someone did come here and shot a fox they left it to rot in the top of a hedge as an ornament. They won't be here again!


As I said, this only covers me and my farms, other people will have a different way and a different way of thinking. For example a massive field of rape can't be covered with canes and carrier bags, so shooting on there makes more sense. Also many sheep farmers probably feel the same way about crows as I do about pigeons. Others are happy to see next doors pheasants all over their fields, to me they are a pest.

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Me and my shooting partner knocked on 2 farm doors this afternoon and got 2 new permissions. Never had a reaction even close to that before!


Quality is yet to be seen but they were happy to have us out there. One said he had a big problem with Geese in August?!?! Why would August be a particualr problem? Did want to show my ignorance and ask!

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