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Dear all.

I am enquiring to see what type of pellet should really be used for hunting. I own a gamo shadow sport air rifle and have been shooting with it for about 2 years. I was hunting rabbits today and was using an Air arms field 177. pellet, clean head shot on the rabiit from about 25yards away and yes there was a bit of flinching after but apart from that it was lovely kill. Does anybody recon that changing your pellet type from a domed or flat pellet to a pointed pellet will kill quicker. I have heard however that they apaarentley they aren't as accurate. Please let me here your thoughts and views and if you have a good recomendation of a pellet type (preferably pointed) i would be more than happy to hear about it.

Many thanks.

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This was discussed the other day but basically a pointed pellet is far hard to manufacture with the point dead centre, any slight deviation from this will cause the pellet to oscillate while spinning and the further it travels the further off centre it will be so as a rule of thumb they are not generally as accurate.


Saying that there are some terrible domed pellets out there too so best bet is to try loads, use what is best for your gun and go with that. Remember that even the same brand of pellets change from batch to batch so keep an eye on the zero!


As regards to killing faster, a head shot is a head shot and as long as the range is not too far so that the pellet has sufficient force to kill then it makes little difference as to the kill time, only issue you might find is a pointed pellet might over penetrate without transferring the energy from the pellet to the target leading to a slower kill time.

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If your current pellet is accurate stick with it. Pointed pellets are useless, any energy the pellet has when it leaves the rabbit is energy that should have been used killing it.


Accuracy is king with an air rifle, you don't have the power to shock organs with a near miss, you must hit the vital area - the brain.

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Dont use flat heads on anything other than short range rats-dont use pointed pellets on anything with a heartbeat.Use a good quality pellet i.e. Crossman premier or AA field or similar and you wont go far wrong-if you are really concerned you can wash and lube them as well.I would hazard a guess that about 70% of pellets in a gun dealers are as much use as a one legged man at an rrrrr,s kicking party.

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When you shoot a mammal or bird you are going to experience post-death twitching. It is the electrical energy in the nerves that takes a while to dissipate. Don't worry about it.


Head shots aren't all the same. You need to hit the brain area, not just the head. On a rabbit or squirrel anywhere between the eye and base of the ear will result in a brain shot. Accuracy is the most important aspect and you won't go wrong with your current pellets. Because they are domed and relativly soft they will transfer all their energy into the target resulting in cleaner kills even if you are slightly off the brain area, or go for a chest shot on something like a pigeon.


Stick with AA Fields is my advice.

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Remember to check you Zero again when chaning pellets too. I was Zeroing the other day and having a mare, it was like fireing a blunderbust. I know i am a little rusty but you know when you've pulled a shot and yuo know when things are just not going as they should. 50% going bang on where they should 50% not even close we're talking 6" out of a 30yd shot from an £11 tin of field diablo or something. (my brain has left me today) out of my stealth pointless. swapped to some cheaper lighter pellets my old man had lying about the house (i used thier garden to Zero it is a lot bigger than mine) every single shot in the same place, a quick adjust of the sight and every shot smack bang where it needs to be other than self proclaimed pulls and twitches.

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