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Elevated decoys ?

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The rape is growing fast on my (only) permission, is there any mileage in elevating my decoys on longer pegs, so that they clear the crop, and try to get another couple of days shooting in next week ?


Find the stunted areas. The pigeons will favour those, but by all means put some floaters or a magnet out over the higher crops to attract attention.

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I've found that pigeons don't tend to be put off by decoys at a higher level. If i'm decoying in a mature wheat field, i'll have some 4ft bamboo canes to elevate them above the crop. You often get birds flapping about above the decoys - seemingly wondering where the hell to land! Of course, that just gives you more time to shoot them :yes:

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Yes, I'll try the bamboo canes,


The only area that had been "stripped" by the birds is in a bit of a hollow, tried it down there Monday and Tuesday evenings, but no joy, concluded, I can't see them, ergo they can't see my decoy pattern, the nett result was only got one shot off both nights. Can I assume the general consensus is decoying in a dip isn't a good idea ?

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Yes, I'll try the bamboo canes,


The only area that had been "stripped" by the birds is in a bit of a hollow, tried it down there Monday and Tuesday evenings, but no joy, concluded, I can't see them, ergo they can't see my decoy pattern, the nett result was only got one shot off both nights. Can I assume the general consensus is decoying in a dip isn't a good idea ?



Don't forget they want to fly into the wind to land and you must leave a gap in your pattern to land; too close and they will be reluctant to come in. If the strip is narrow, you could put your coys in a straight line, I've used this method and it works surprisingly well.

If you have a bouncer above the crop pointing to your pattern that will guide them in if they want to play ball.


Good luck, let us know how you get on

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If pigeons want to feed in the stripped area it doesn't matter if they can see your decoys until the last second - they will be travelling to that spot anyway.

On tall crops, i simply lay my shell decoys on top. They sit there nicely and do the job.

Edited by motty
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The decoys elevated on canes worked well, right up until a pair of buzzards decided to enforce a no fly zone (one of them cruising about 60 feet above my decoys, thought it was going to come down at one point !)

Farmer's given me a new patch to try next week, where the pigeons hammered the OSR earlier in the year, but the canes proved a good experience, thanks all for the advice.

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