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a real concern shotgun found in case

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Surely the police can trace the serial number, in this day of computers I wouldn`t have thought there was a problem.

This is true as long as it was not an "older gun" from the days when shotguns did not have to be registered and were covered by a "Gun License" available from the Post Office for 10 shillings a year (Back in the 60's). I believe there are still some shot guns around that are from those "per-registration days" that are sometimes still in use by some people, if it were one of them it could be difficult to trace it from the serial number, if not then it should be on the police firearms database!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Oddly the police DB doesnt seem to notice when guns fall out of the system only when they reappear! I have experience of this a gun that was once on liscence long lapsed only came to there attention upon reentering the system. Wonder how many more will be found?

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Oddly the police DB doesnt seem to notice when guns fall out of the system only when they reappear! I have experience of this a gun that was once on liscence long lapsed only came to there attention upon reentering the system. Wonder how many more will be found?


Total of 8 so far: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-13035645

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1 + 1 + 5 = ...........


how do you get to 8 ?


Sorry my mistake I read the first article which linked to the second gun and then that article linked to this one which is titled "Police find 6 more..." so I presumed it was 6 more then the second. Missed the detail in the article.


So yeah 7 it is then. Good job I am not an accountant I suppose :good:

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It looks as though they were dumped but you have to wonder why there? Whats wrong with the canal? Or dig a hole and bury them? Even if they were off ticket and clean as far as criminal use there will still be fingerprints and DNA. Years from now somebody could get arrested for something relatively minor, get DNA-ed and connected to them.


The trouble is you never hear the outcome of these stories.

Edited by Vince Green
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Most stolen guns, the vast majority in fact, never get found and never turn up in crime. The belief is they are sold abroad.


Theres an old anecdotal story of a man up in court for armed robbery. The arresting officer is being questioned by the defending barrister.


Barrister "...and you called the defendant a **** did you not?"


Officer "I did sir, yes"


Barrister "Why did you do that?"


Officer "because sir, anyone who cuts the barrels off a £3000 shotgun to commit a £200 robbery IS a ****"


Judge says nothing but is seen to be nodding

Edited by Vince Green
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