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one more fox friday


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hi all just a quick one went out friday to a shoot i havent bin to in a while and to my suprise the crop had shot up to at least a foot i was a bit gutted as i thought i would be in for a good night.

well im here now might aswell have a mooch so walked down the tractor ruts in the center of the field having a flash every 100 yards or so hoping for a set of eyes to be there and bingo at the end of the field there was a fox i would say 300 yards away so i sat down and gave it a call put the lamp bac on and he was at full pelt running from left to right. i stayed on him while he was hot footing it thinking he was going for good then the little *** joined me in the tractor rut and was running right at me i stopted calling at this point and gave a shout which did nothing he eventually stopted at no more 15 20 yards i took the shot and he dropped. at this time of year i find them a little more edgy and careful but not this one





nice eye shot




thanks all happy hunting. andy

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Thanks for a good write up and a couple of fine photos!

I have been pulled up in the past for taking head shots on foxes but you have just proved that they can and are sometimes the the best and the only shot to take if you have the right situation along with the ability and confidence in yourself and your equipment.

Well done mate!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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hi pete. hows things?

your right it all comes down to the position your in i just take the shot when its right weather its head or body it dont matter as long as you conect in the right place. you dont get much movment after a 223 round hits a fox. if the shot is in the least bit dodgy then its not taken. :good: :good:


thanks all for the comments



Thanks for a good write up and a couple of fine photos!

I have been pulled up in the past for taking head shots on foxes but you have just proved that they can and are sometimes the the best and the only shot to take if you have the right situation along with the ability and confidence in yourself and your equipment.

Well done mate!

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