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Bore or chamber brush?

Spara Dritto

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I get this plastic fouling just after the forcing cones at the front of my gun, I need a new brush as the old bristles are pretty rubbish (it's lasted a good while!). I want a Payne Galway brush but I don't know if I should get the "bore brush" or the "chamber/bore" brush? The chamber brush is slightly bigger but that could be a good thing as it rubs the bores hard! The bore brush is slightly smaller making it easier to get through the barrels. What do you guys think?? I normally settel for a normal one but these Payne Galways look good! Many thanks.

Edited by Beretta Italy
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I use P/G bore brushes ... tho' on the 28 its a slow job, so start off with a solvent , or a coarse patch dipped in acetone.

I did have a short length of rod that would fit in a drill ... that was the quickest with a p/g + solvent.

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I use P/G bore brushes ... tho' on the 28 its a slow job, so start off with a solvent , or a coarse patch dipped in acetone.

I did have a short length of rod that would fit in a drill ... that was the quickest with a p/g + solvent.


Have you tried the Chamber brushes? Like Berettasv10 said, I might just use the chamber brush to get the main residue out around the forcing cones along with Napier gun cleaner. Then maybe try using the bore brush with napier all the way through the bores.. Patches seem to work better then kitchen roll to as alot of people advise as they are rougher, I'll add some more of them to the list too... Hmm hope it works - It’s becoming a pain in the… :angry:

Edited by Beretta Italy
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Ok .. looked in the cleaning box: in 12 I have 1x P/G chamber with a short handle & several bore brush of vavious ages. They both work ... but as said by SV10 , the chamber brush is a tighter fit... so it does the cones easily.

(thinking about it -the chamber brush is left from when I had a Browning )

Yes its a pain: that's why I let the solvent do the work.

Just glad that Loo roll is not as rough.

Edited by seeker
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Try Rifle cleaners like Hoppes or Parker Hale 007 .. they smell of pear drops /acetone and soften the crud.

I did find aerosols that worked .. one can had a white and green label.. think the other was Brunox? but acetone was cheap n easy.

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I had this problem with a browning 425 that my mum had been shooting!

Got back from a few rounds of skeet, cleaned my Miroku with just a quick brush and some patches, Job done.

Went to clean mums and it was in a right state just after the forcing cones. Took ages of soaking and scrubbing to remove, as the two guns are near identical I can only put it down to cartridges, mum shoots Eley firsts which I have heard are dirty carts and I shoot Black Golds. ????.

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iv just used a couple of boxes the other day for the first time.................. :oops: after i finished cleaning my gun, you would of thought id been down the pit :yp: ........ :lol::lol::good:

Shame really , cos for the money they aint a bad cartridge for club clays. but cant be cleaning like that every time I come home.

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interesting stuff. Just got a silver pigeon 111 second hand and its taken ages to clean the bores just ahead of the chamber. Never had this problem with any of my guns useing fibre wads?


atvb Paul.



Found for some strange reason using the same make of cartridges in 2 different guns and firing a simular amount of cartridges one gun can be easily cleaned while another can be a pain in the neck. Its why I ended up buying a chamber brush as well as a normal brush.

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