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just back from gunshop...


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my first fac gun been and treated myself to cz 452 varmint thumbhole stock my mate has a ruger 10/22 but wanted a bolt action so after reading up plugged for cz as favoured by many ,liked savage arms .22 but wanted 16" barrel and it was 20" and gunsmith told me to stay clear ,liked the trigger setup though,might get it in 17 hmr .also got some winnie super x rounds so hope the gun likes them.




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Trigger wise the CZ can sometimes be rough, but £10-12 usually solves that.


CZ rimfires have steadily gone up in price over the last couple of years, they were a LOT less than some, but the fact is they are still EXCELLENT VFM.


Why the heavy barrel, I'm always curious, do you intend a lot of target use? :hmm:

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Trigger wise the CZ can sometimes be rough, but £10-12 usually solves that.


CZ rimfires have steadily gone up in price over the last couple of years, they were a LOT less than some, but the fact is they are still EXCELLENT VFM.


Why the heavy barrel, I'm always curious, do you intend a lot of target use? :hmm:

no mate just liked the extra weight of the gun used to using weihrauch rifles :good:

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I have the 455 in .17 and love it, I would recommend it as very good value for the money.




I got the heavy varmint model as I do enjoy some day’s paper punching as well as hunting.





im going get 17hmr also but like look of the savage arms, but probably get cz when boils down to it,what scope is that you have and what mod you got for it thanks

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The scope is a cheapish Richter Optik 4 - 16 x 50 IR. I got it for £135 and to be honest with you it is just fine for the rifle. The mod is a specific .17 I don't know the name but it was supplied by Law Enforcement International Ltd of St Albans, Herts. Again it suits the rifle just fine and when it is on you hardly notice it on the heavy barrel as it is near as damn the same circumference.

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