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another dexter moment


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like others Ive made up a shooting rest that suctions onto the door, great while it lasts, but have occassionally noticed that it loses suction, whilst out lamping, makes it a real pain.


well last night me and the missus went lamping, me driving whilst balancing the rifle on the wing mirror, and using only the red lamp to see/shoot by, was ok, but every now and again the rifle would slip off the mirror, and although I never dropped it, it was near a couple of times,

so I decieded to make and fix on, a proper mount, bolted to the car door (once its painted nato green, it'll blend in)


I remembered we had an old carp pod in the garage, so cannabilised that to make a adjustable shooting rest, think it'll work great when Im driving, allowing me to carry the rifle safely, but still be able to move the gun lamp in most forward directions, scanning pathways etc for rabbits, it can also be turned 90 degree's, so I can shoot sideways from the window too :good:






and, as I can shoot both left or right handed, righthanded for in front stuff, left handed to the side, without needing to adjust seating posting

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well tested out the rest last night, it worked well but needed adjustments, and improvements, I removed the rubber rest bit as this was too far out to be of any use, and just rested the rifle on the cross bar, this proved very good, but holding the rifle at rear gave me arm ache after 30 minutes, so another dexter moment was needed this morning, adding another rest further back, to hold the rifle just behind the trigger, and I re-used the rubber section there, it looks like it will do the job, hold the rifle on the outside of car door(I still hold and steady it) so its in the correct postion to shoot, the rear holder can also be turned 90 degrees, allowing me to use it straight out the window, and as previously stated, both units are easily removed when not lamping





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  • 4 months later...

an update on the rifle rest after 5 months use, it was great for the first 4 months, but then wear and tear set in, after all it was a carp rod pod in its former life, more used for sitting on a pond bank, rather than bouncing around on a 4x4, it started needing adjusting/tightning every trip out, and would start getting loose within an hour, so a more robust unit was needed

I started work in the shed last night, cutting a floor lifter sucker in half, this would become my main base for the rifle rest,which bolts through the door panel, rather than rely on the suction pad




the removable rest is made from tubular ally, I wanted it to be quicker to set up and remove, the last one needed a nut and bolt passing through it to fix, which was fiddly and time consuming once over the farm, this new rest simply pushes into the base, nice tight fit, but still allows the rest to be turn 45 degrees sideways if needed




once fitted everything got painted to blend in a little better, and sponge added to the rest's crossbar








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