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Pretty Hot sauce


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Looks nice!


You say painfully hot, oin a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being internal burns and anal blistering) how hot is it?


I'd say a 8.5, thankfully I've not suffered anal blistering with this one :o



Encona is my favourite. Hot, but not too hot, and delicious :yes::yes:


Encona is nice, this is not!

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Hottest chilli to date is the naga viper I think. Before that, it was the infinity but that has now been superceeded (a matter of days later). It was the bhut jolakia (known by the tranlation Ghost Chilli) for a while before all that. It's crazy hot, I have a few dodgy looking packets of the dried flakes at home.


Surprisingly, it comes from Cumbria...


To put it into context;


Tabasco Sauce, Jalapeno Pepper - 2,500–8,000 scoville units


Infinity, Naga, Jolokia, Scorpion - 855,000–1,463,700 scovilles

Edited by huffhuff
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I'm leaving off any hot sauce after what i went through in the early hours of Monday morning.

I never thought an human body could produce molten lava. Not sure what sauce i ate on my burger

but it wasn't has hot going down as it was coming out. What ever sauce it was, it would

be brilliant for loosing weight, because you would **** YOURSELF THIN in a few hours like i did.

I swear i lost a stone in those few very uncomfortable hours on the bog. It sort of intensified

in my stomach and got hotter for thr trip out. Iv ate hot currys that haven't had the impact on me like

that sauce did.


Strickly brown sauce for me now and thats that lol. Now more major ring sting and sitting on

the bog with tears in my eyes for me. Iv ate many sauces in my time but what he had was off the scale

heatwise, and not at all good for bowel movement lol.


If i can get the name of it off him in the week, i will post it on here.

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Thats nothing, on a shoot day last year whilst eating and joking in the beaters hut, my mate Steve brought a bottle of death sauce out from his truck, had a skull on it, very dark brown and came with a health warning on the back saying if pregnant or have stonmach ulcers/heart condidtions DO NOT CONSUME, which we then concluded that if it carried a health warning then it must be good.

Hay ho, Me and my other mate Simon both filled a teaspoon up and hogged that in,.....................5 seconds, nah, then all of a sudden I wanted to scrath my ears and cut my nose off, jesus wept alive we never felt so ill, we then read on the back that it is 500 times hotter thatn a jalapeno pepper and you are meant to use 1 spoon to dilute 25 portions of hot curry!

We had 1 spoon, NEAT, each! Funny though.

I managed to beat for the rest of the day, Simon who is much bigger (6'7") and fitter than me too was really struggling through the wood, so it must of been bad, I felt ill, but not that bad.

Enjoy the sauce. :good:

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