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hw90k problem

chris o

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hi all. got a 90k in .22 cal and had it out for the first time in a while and just checking the zero and was fine then after 5 shots the mounts were sliding off the back of the rails. tryed pushing it forward and it wouldnt and i couldnt slide it back myself. so obviosly with the bit of recoil it gave it was pushing it backwards off the gun. now i have been looking on the internet and came across some sought of stop that looks like it sits in the rails and something that goes into a hole were can i get these from? and what else can i do to stop it sliding back again?

i dont want to over tighten them wich is what i have been told not to do. but what can the one piece mounts do as heard they can stop it sliding?


thanks for your help guys.


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hi all. got a 90k in .22 cal and had it out for the first time in a while and just checking the zero and was fine then after 5 shots the mounts were sliding off the back of the rails. tryed pushing it forward and it wouldnt and i couldnt slide it back myself. so obviosly with the bit of recoil it gave it was pushing it backwards off the gun. now i have been looking on the internet and came across some sought of stop that looks like it sits in the rails and something that goes into a hole were can i get these from? and what else can i do to stop it sliding back again?

i dont want to over tighten them wich is what i have been told not to do. but what can the one piece mounts do as heard they can stop it sliding?


thanks for your help guys.




You dont say if your mounts are single or double screw.........

Double screw are best. As for a 'stop' i have a set of double screw mounts which have a grubscrew in the base of one. I am assuming this is standard.





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hat that issue with every single one of mine at some stage, I got told to desemble it and then put the mounts on but space them really far appart as far as is possible without wrecking the mounts then tighten, iff you dont catch this quickly it can stripp the mounts and then the vibrations can destroy the scope as i pointed out to my mate, who learnt the hard way and had to buy a new one. hope this helps :good::lol:

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