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Turkey Hunting

new to the flock

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For the past while I was trying to decide how my oldest son would be able to go turkey hunting with me this spring. He has been driving me nuts with wanting to go. The three shotguns that I normally chose from would all knock him **** over tee kettle with a number 4 turkey load in them. Then I got thinking today that I have my Fathers old 20 guage Mossburg in the cabnet. This gun weighs as much as a 12, can handle a full choke, and although it only shoots 2 3/4 inch is more than enough gun for a bird inside the 25 yard marker. So I opened up my foot lockers as I knew I still had a couple of turkey targets in one of them.....also found 400 rounds of upland bird shells in 20 guage and 12 guage that I forgot I had..... and fired a couple of rounds through the old girl.


Hopefully the targets show the results.


target number one shot at 20 yards 53 pellets in the kill zone


target number 2 shot at 30 yards 23 pellets in the kill zone, should have been more but I think I pulled to the right a little bit on that one.


Think I know what he will be doing this weekend. Think we will start with some nice light loads on stationary clay targets till he gets use to the gun. :rolleyes:


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Those were just plain old number 4 lead rounds. I will probably go to copper coated before we actually get out there. I do love federal ammunition :o I dont think sitting still will be a problem as he is like myself take a book, and he will sit for hours. The trick is read a page and look around, then read another page. I never use to be able to sit in a hide or stand for any length of time until I started to pack a good novel along.


I will build a nice ceder ground blind for us though to cover any jitters that he may get when a bird comes in. :rolleyes:



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