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Grey crow nest shooting

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As you found its a waste of cartridge trying to shoot them through the nest..... much better to wait till they are 'branchers' much easier and less suffering. :good::good:



I dont see how its a waste of cartidges, I fired four cartidges to kill all inside the nest, if they were all out on the branches I'd have still fired four cartidges?


Much handier to shoot the nest in my opinion! They wouldnt be 'branchers' for long and I could easliy have missed out on them if I decided to wait until when I taught they'd be out on the branches!

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I dont see how its a waste of cartidges, I fired four cartidges to kill all inside the nest, if they were all out on the branches I'd have still fired four cartidges?


Much handier to shoot the nest in my opinion! They wouldnt be 'branchers' for long and I could easliy have missed out on them if I decided to wait until when I taught they'd be out on the branches!

i would have done the same

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I dont see how its a waste of cartidges, I fired four cartidges to kill all inside the nest, if they were all out on the branches I'd have still fired four cartidges?


Much handier to shoot the nest in my opinion! They wouldnt be 'branchers' for long and I could easliy have missed out on them if I decided to wait until when I taught they'd be out on the branches!


Don't be silly mate, if you kept a 24 hour surveilance on the nest you could have lined the branchers up and shot them with the 1 shot :lol: . Don't listen to some of them you are carrying out necessary vermin control :good:

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I dont see how its a waste of cartidges, I fired four cartidges to kill all inside the nest, if they were all out on the branches I'd have still fired four cartidges?


Much handier to shoot the nest in my opinion! They wouldnt be 'branchers' for long and I could easliy have missed out on them if I decided to wait until when I taught they'd be out on the branches!


Vermin control is exactly what it says on the tin - "Vermin Control"! If that is how you chose to do it then fair enough, no-one should fault you for it. As long as it gets the job done then I don't see a problem. :good:

I go out each spring time to try to clear some of the magpies from a wood where the (female) landowner hates them with a passion. They are easily sorted out with two 30g loads of 5 shot from (almost) directly underneath the nest, usually at a range of about 30 feet maximum (I can't be bothered with trying to clinb the trees to destroy the nests, I'm getting too old for that sort of thing. She has commented on how the numbers of magpies in that area has dropped significantly since I have been doing this for her - There used to be so many flying about that you could easily lose count of them. It is not really my "cup of tea" and it costs me an extra box or two of cartridges each year, but she owns the land and "calls the shots" (No pun intended) and has given me permission to manage / shoot the roe deer there so it pays to agree and "keep her sweet"!

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