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Yes Viper, I too have read the reviews and seen the statistics and it is probably not impossible, but probably unlikely, as there is, I am sure, something in our civilised constitution that would not allow this to happen. I must Google it.


So I will carry on watching East Enders, not in denial, but in the knowledge that that scenario would turn the worm.

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Your first thoughts might well be shock, horror, how barbaric, etc., but then have a think.

Its you that got blinded, or your daughter, or your wife, now how do you think ?


Personally, I find the idea shamefully attractive.

me too if any loved one of mine was on the end of this then, god help the do`er.

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I agree with the eye for an eye and bringing back the death sentence. But I am aware that occasionally the innocent get convicted so in these circumstances it's a bit tight


Sorry rcooke25552, but I feel that is NOT the way forward. Like MM says, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and I agree. There is nothing wrong with our judicial system, and it has evolved from people living in this century. Introduce people who live in an earlier century, then it does not work.


So lets find ways of keeping them out instead...

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Well... Think I'll leave you all to this one..


You all harp on about us being more 'civilised' than the Islamic states and yet, when it boils down to it, you are no different!


Sorry guys... you have really showed your pitchfork and lynch mob mentalities here...


Our judicial system has developed and moved on from this kind of thing over the last few hundred years or so but, in reality, if you got the chance, you'd all be out with your rope, looking for the nearest tree!


This one may be the one that pushes me to find forum pastures anew.... don't think I can sit comfortably in a group with this type of mentality!

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Our judicial system has developed and moved on from this kind of thing over the last few hundred years or so but, in reality, if you got the chance, you'd all be out with your rope, looking for the nearest tree!




Oh dear, I thought you had a good argument until you brought up our judicial system, which to be fair is just as rubbish only at the other end of the punishment spectrum.


If someone I knew was blinded by acid and I had to choose between the perpetrator getting 12 years (British justice) and being blinded in return ( Iranian justice) I know which I would pick.

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Oh dear, I thought you had a good argument until you brought up our judicial system, which to be fair is just as rubbish only at the other end of the punishment spectrum.


If someone I knew was blinded by acid and I had to choose between the perpetrator getting 12 years (British justice) and being blinded in return ( Iranian justice) I know which I would pick.


Fortunately, you will never have to make that choice. There is nothing wrong with our Judicial system, evolved over hundreds of years, and the envy of all the world. But designed for people living in this century...

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Fortunately, you will never have to make that choice. There is nothing wrong with our Judicial system, evolved over hundreds of years, and the envy of all the world. But designed for people living in this century...


Ok, I hope you are kidding but I guess not. I assume you are trying to say that it's the best the world has to offer, this might be true but you only have to read the papers to see that bad decisions get made all the time and money rules.

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Ok, I hope you are kidding but I guess not. I assume you are trying to say that it's the best the world has to offer, this might be true but you only have to read the papers to see that bad decisions get made all the time and money rules.


No artschool, I am not kidding, and I am not saying that this is the best the world has to offer either. I was saying that the British legal system works well in this country, in this century.


I suppose it looked like I was implying, that if you are a Mullah, intent on bringing down the houses of parliament in a big passenger jet, hoping to get off with 3 weeks community service and a £10 fine, just might work.


But I wasn't, but you might.....

Edited by Jim Sarakun
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No artschool, I am not kidding, and I am not saying that this is the best the world has to offer either. I was saying that the British legal system works well in this country, in this century.


I suppose it looked like I was implying, that if you are a Mullah, intent on bringing down the houses of parliament in a big passenger jet, hoping to get off with 3 weeks community service and a £10 fine, just might work.


But I wasn't, but you might.....



I was thinking about all the murderers who are released to kill again, burglars, rapists etc who all are allowed to repeat their crimes.


Just google british justice and there is quite a list.

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I was thinking about all the murderers who are released to kill again, burglars, rapists etc who all are allowed to repeat their crimes.


Just google british justice and there is quite a list.



Googled British Justice, found no list.. Can you be more specific, I did do a search...


I am curious to know how many criminals do repeat the crime.

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My link


Happy to help. Google tries to suggest "British justice system is a joke" when you type in British justice :lol:


The Birmingham 6 and the Guildford 4 come up on that link..The rest of the links on that page refer to allegedly wrongfully convicted suspects. Not how many people were released, and then convicted again.


I will search again at a later date, but now I need some direly needed beauty sleep. Nite nite!

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This one may be the one that pushes me to find forum pastures anew.... don't think I can sit comfortably in a group with this type of mentality!



Like others, I have respected some of your comments previously Vipa; but this time I really do think you have thrown the rattle out of the pram. Your comments above do you no justice as someone who seems to support freedom of speech - which love it or hate it -this forum has it all.

I shall wait to see if you have the conviction of your words and look forward to having some repartee with you in the future :good:


Pushkin B)

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How many people reoffend? How about half. I routinely have to deal with the same people over and over again either when the courts let em off with fines (which they don't pay) community service (which they don't do) or if they do by some miracle get a custodial sentence holiday , they serve a short sentence and are back to infest society again. Many reoffenders actually live a higher standard of life inside. Meals provided, No bills to pay, no need to work, Drugs and alcohol easily found, recreational facilities/ education all provided by the taxpayer. No wonder there's little deterrent of going to prison. I know a few that deliberately get themselves locked up particularly when they are being sought for non payment of drug debts. Then there's probation, they will help you find accomodation when your stay at HMP Holidayville is over, maybe even employment in the unlikely possibility you want it.

I wish the country cared more for the welfare of OAPs than they do for the convicted criminals. :no:

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I think that some people here think that the penal code here is too lenient (I tend to agree it is in several areas) and just pass on to the other extreme where revenge is the law. Beheading, blinding, death by stoning etc are all practices aimed at installing fear in the hearts of the population. Just like drawing, hanging and quartering was for this country a few centuries ago. But this is the point. A few centuries ago things were different than today. When our civilisation progresses, so should the ways we are dealing with the criminal elements of our society. Whereas I find it an insult that 150 hours of community service would be the best way to deal with someone who raped or attempted a violent robbery, I am appalled by the idea that some people would accept a beheading or a mutilation as justice. These two ways of dealing with crime are opposite extremes, and I strongly believe that there is a better solution lying somewhere between the two extremes.

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In circumstance when people are committing such serious crime such as rape, child abuse, premedetated murder or torture I feel there is no "extreme" punishment, they have knowingly set out to destroy a persons life, therefore they should feel the same fear that the victim did.


It's quite simple - if you dont want these thing to happen to you, don't commit a crime!





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It is interesting that many people who have contributed to this thread complain about how other countries apply their own laws in their own countries. In many respects that is fair comment however, I feel they would be the first to defend this countries own right to dictate what is and how their law runs and operates? Or is that me just being silly?


Pushkin :lol:

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Its shocked me that they've taken such a literal approach to an eye for an eye in this instance but no more shocking than the guys crime in the first place. She didnt want to marry him, big deal. Bit of a disproportional response to sling acid in her face. Would the punishment being dished out make folk think twice before carrying out violent assualts themselves? I would have thought so. Job done, it works for them and good luck to them. We can't really lecture the world on how to reform their penal systems when ours still has so much room for improvement.


Would I like to see a similiar approach over here? Definately not, I'd like to think we've moved on a bit since the dark ages. I'd like to see more prisons built by the prisoners who could learn skills/trades for their release (assuming we're not still in recession) so that more people could be banged up. Early release or leaving antisocial #### holes at large in the communitys that they blight because of lack of space in prisons is a bit of a cop out.

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I have had a change of heart over this. Surely instead if blinding him they could surgically remove his eyes to use for medical transplants?

That is just what was going through my mind or at least take one so that at least some good could come from the terrible thing that he did.


One eye and 25 years in jail sounds good to me and no 50% off for good behaviour it should be time added for bad behaviour.

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