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lost opportunity

the hitman

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One of my permission's drilled beans on monday, by wednesday they had found it,but heavy rain had kept them off.

Rain stopped at about 12 today by 3 the field was covered,and a steady flightline was established.I phoned the farmer,the answer,go ahead shot the damn things.

I was sorting my gear for a big day ,when he calls me, sorry mate the last time someone shot that field the farmer next door went mad,his stable's are only a field away.I have a rape field to try instead but the phrase ,one shot and away comes to mind. :ernyha:

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I would assume an adjustment of aim may be needed due to the diameter of the shroud but i can't really see a huge difference in balance being the case??


Surely one of the lads on here uses Hushpowers in 12g and can let you know a tad more.


Seems a better option as if the other guy complains about the noise this should curb that.



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Hi mate, I use a 12g single barrel hushpower (pedretti).You have to get used to the point of aim but balance weight etc is fine.Never used a 3 shot one so can't comment on one but the drawback with mine is only one shot.You would be best to use subs and the 12 is definatley louder than a 410 (tried both side by side on a quite night).The only problem as I see is availability second hand (I did a 200 mile round trip to fetch mine).Can't really tell you how loud it is but taking the silencer off my aas410 is about the same.On pigeons in a hide its a fairly big beast but not heavy and if I got rid of mine I'd go for a 410 next, It's that bit quieter and a lot easier to handle.Just my opinion,hope it helps.

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Seems to me that the farmer with the horses is anti shooting.


Ive shot a field for years just two small fields from a livery stable, owned by the farmer whos land we shoot. No problems. Similarly we shoot another farm just across the road, with another livery stable within a stones throw, again no problems.


I have also attended a proper skeet shoot, on Saturdays only. The shoot is located in a field that horses are grazed all week. They are simply moved to the next field for the duration of the shooting.


Sadly, you must obey your land owners instructions. He may change his mind if the field gets battered by pigeon, so dont give up.


One of the best permissions that I ever got was from a farmer who graphicaly told me to go away, even though his field was covered in pigeon. True optemist that I am, I insisted in leaving my details. A week or so later, on the Christmas eve, he telephoned to tell me that his field should be green, but that it was grey. I was down there like a shot. Permission form signed. 8 O clock boxing day, we were at em. Got a visit from the other shooter who should have been shooting them. He wasnt too pleased, as he was letting them build up. Quite how many he wanted before shooting would beggar belief. He insisted that we did not have permission and demanded that we cease shooting immediateley. Words of Anglo Saxon origin were exchanged. He was gob smacked by the written permission. Over sever years the atmosphere has now cleared a little, we now wave instead of geering, but he'll never forget getting his eye wiped, and I wont forget wiping it!


What a Christmas present, pigeon shooting galore, dammed good barney, just avoiding a punch up, and a great bag of pigeon.



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Cheers for the info on the hushpower chaps.

Nice story webber,i have had a similar run in with a local "sporting agent"

who thinks once he has permission everyone else should be put off.

I called this farmer and said your rape is getting hammered,yes but mr x is bringing paying guns on soon .A week later the farmer calls me to shot the field.

On my second visit mr x turns up and demands i leave ,i refuse he go's crying to the farmer who kicks his *** off.

This is the very farm i shot 32 from today some 5 years after.

And no he does not wave as we pass.muppet. :ernyha:

Edited by the hitman
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why not use a air rifle. easy to use and quiet? i used to do all my shooting by air rifle?

Airguns and .22 rimfire rifles are simply not suitable for shooting Pigeons over decoys on open fields.


You'd be better off using a catapult, as the arm movement will hopefully keep the birds in the air..!!


Cat. :o :( :( :( :(

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