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Sorry i have not been on BSA XL Sent back


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Hello every one


I have not been out as my BSA Xl was taken back to the shop after 3 weeks it was under power and all the screws had came lose.


i have had the the air rifle exchange and now have a new one it feels good and shoots well but i still have my concerns that it is under powered compared to other "full power 12 fp" air rifles off the shelf.


iam using RWS super field 0.22 15.9 grains and the gun smith told me it was running at 11.4 fp my pall has as cheap air rifel that he bought for £80 that seems to be more powerful than my BSA XL 0.22 his is a 0.22 as well I am just a bit gutted as the price of the xl you would think is was more than capeable to do the job.


I do need to get hold of a crono and do some testing.

Edited by madazrex
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City airweapons in Lincoln had a supply of combro cb 625's last week, worth giving them a ring to see if they've got any left. That's the best way to stay happy and legal.


thanks i will ring them first thing fingers crossed they have one

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i love my bsa but i think that it might be underpowerd the only problem is i do not have a crono to test it the gunshop told me that is was running at 11.4 but i wont fined out till i have done more testing.


i have seen on the bsa furms thers been a few like this so i just wonder why bsa are selling them as full power hunting rifels when the are not ?


why would this be ?


what do you all think

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whats wrong with 11.4ftlb ?


that would be deemed as full power by any manufacturer , and power isn't a big issue

you could have a rifle running at 10.2ftlb but shoots smoother with less recoil and would out perform

a full power rifle shooting harsh ,

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whats wrong with 11.4ftlb ?


that would be deemed as full power by any manufacturer , and power isn't a big issue

you could have a rifle running at 10.2ftlb but shoots smoother with less recoil and would out perform

a full power rifle shooting harsh ,


my problem is that i don't bilve or that i have proof that its running at 11.4 and have no proof other than the shops say so so all iam doing is trying to get my self a crono of my own so i can test diffrnt pellets in it and see what its pushing out .


i have had my bsa 23 days and that one had to go back to the shop they exchanged it in the shop after trying two off the shelf to find that they were under power ! as my last one was running at 9.5 ftp


all it is that there seems to be a few like this so what i was aking is if any one knows of a reson why this would be.


and as it was underpower would it have killed rabbits 9.5 ftp ?


see i have also been told that they can creep up as well ? but if its under power at 9.5ftp how could it creep up to 10.2 ect


i was also wondering if it was down to the lenth of the spring as if some one had cut it to short like a trainee on the prodution line .?


this is just a fact finding mission to see if any body had any clue what the resons would be

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The only way to check a rifles power is through the use of a chrono.


For all you know you're mates cheaper rifle could be well above the legal limit without him knowing it!


Either buy yourself a chrono or get it done in front of you in a gunsmiths. Would be interesting to know the results as I have a BSA Tactical that shoots just dandy, however have noticed the breech seems to have a little looseness to it... if it gets worse I'm taking it back as the first XL I had shot completely off!


Good luck with your rifle mate :)

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Most Precharged gun's do less than 10.00FP with manufactures pellets out of Factory


As Aware some pellets will increase power


If set higher with Factor selects - they would exceed Sub 12FP Rule


So becoming a Fire Arm and illegal


Try different pellets - weights etc



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