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battery chargers


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Yep, i have a car battery charger but you cant use those on dry cell batts,i have got a charger for he job but i think its had its day and iwany to get another before it lets me down at a busy time,thanks for all the idas i'll now have a browse :devil:

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  • 10 months later...

??? Sniper you have used that BUYING word again, hope you are not losing the plot mate.


A ma is a milli-amp ie a thousanth of 1 amp.


The 800 ma charger will do the job quicker than a 500 and will be fine for your batteries.


PS. Are you sure you can't get one for free? :lol:


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Yes, I may be loosing the plot mate.


I should have said a mate was thinking of buying one and he wanted to know about ma etc.


In fact I am loosing the plot. I've just bought one from Hammergun !!!!!! :*)


Stop the world.............I want to get off !!!!!!!!!!! ???;):lol::devil:

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