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How do you cook pigeon ?


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  • 3 weeks later...

marinade them in cajun sauce :good:



I do similar with a spice mix made up of ground cumin, fenugreek seeds, fresh garlic, salt, ground chilli, permento and ground cinamon. All ground together in a pestle and mortar. Add a splash of olive oil to make a paste. Coat each breast and leave in fridge for a couple of hours to marinade. Then fry a minute either side and leave to rest. serve with whatever but a salad is good!

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marinade them in cajun sauce :good:

That reminds me: deep fried in a cajun batter. 1 cup milk, quarter cup cornmeal, 3 quarters cup plain flour, half teaspoon baking powder, 1.5 teaspoons cajun spice mix, pinch of dried basil, salt and pepper.


Cut each breast into 3. Dip each piece in the batter and then deep fry them in batches. Great as a starter with tabasco sauce.

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Butterfly, season and flash fry, leave to rest....fry a duck egg, toast a thick slice of poppy seed bread, butter it add egg and breasts then eat :good: (thin slices of garlic added is good too if you like it)


Just last week I simmered a load of breasts in a stock with carrot, onion and celery for approx 90 minutes until they were soft, tasted great but I wasn't sure what to do with them next so tried them in a simple Rendang recipe (which meant they were cooked for a further hour or so) and it tasted great...my mrs said it didn't taste like pigeon but reckoned we should have it again?! whatever that meant :rolleyes:

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Hot wok, sliced breast,soy sauce,any stir fry sauce, black bean or chowmain ect, sliced mushrooms & peppers, couple of minutes in the wok & add noodles, thats it.I have a small camping stove that i keep in the car with one of those screw on gas bottles, a small pan and some oil ect.Usually have one of those packet mixes from ADSA and often do a stir fry in the field.Try it its mint.



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Hot wok, sliced breast,soy sauce,any stir fry sauce, black bean or chowmain ect, sliced mushrooms & peppers, couple of minutes in the wok & add noodles, thats it.I have a small camping stove that i keep in the car with one of those screw on gas bottles, a small pan and some oil ect.Usually have one of those packet mixes from ADSA and often do a stir fry in the field.Try it its mint.



I do the same myself quite often. One of life's true pleasures is cooking and eating al fresco.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I use 10 breasts, and half pound/500g of sliced lean frying steak, butter, olive oil and garlic all browned, then chucked in slow cooker just covered in water and oxo, for 8 hours :D

If theres any in the frezzer, I use rabbit gravy instead of water, even better!

Serve with mash and broccoli and fresh brown bread....just enough for 4 :blink: :good:

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