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What side by side?


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Very nice! :o Not seen this one before.

The Yeoman, by the way goes for around £200. Not as pretty as the BSA you have, but good value for a lot of gun.

They are available with the straight hand stock which is more traditional but the pistol grip is more comfortable for me (I didnt choose it and would love it either way, I was a bit gutted when i found out it was an SKB and not an english gun Birmingham made BSA)

http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale/110405073734007 NOt seen many AYA single trigger Ejectors for £200

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Asothers have suggested Winchester 23 or Miroku MS150 would be my first choices, both ejectors, both good guns. Third place goes to AYA Yeoman, good solid gun, a bit thick in the grip and best suited for someone with average to big hands.


That £600 for that AYA No2 is a cracking deal, they are 5k new or getting on that way, Mine cost me £400 or so in 1978 !!,



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i started shooting with my dads AYA box lock ej faultless dependable and sturdy, it must be 40 + years had thousands of shots through it, my dad recently hung up his game bag and passed it onto me. a bit of family history that will also be used on a regular basis.



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i started shooting with my dads AYA box lock ej faultless dependable and sturdy, it must be 40 + years had thousands of shots through it, my dad recently hung up his game bag and passed it onto me. a bit of family history that will also be used on a regular basis.





I also have an aya yeoman that has gone through my grandad, dad and me and after having the wood re-dine should manage another 20 years. Well built guns :good:

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i started shooting with my dads AYA box lock ej faultless dependable and sturdy, it must be 40 + years had thousands of shots through it, my dad recently hung up his game bag and passed it onto me. a bit of family history that will also be used on a regular basis.



There's a picture of another 45+ year old kicking around this thread.

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