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Hi lads,


What is the general choke choice for the following tasks?


Sporting clays if your hitting everything why change


Decoying crows.


Im just trying to figure out the best chokes for my o/u beretta. I generally run 3/4 and full for everything but I have a feeling it may be a little too much?



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Assuming the same cartridge in both barrels and on the grounds that going up one choke size does not achieve much at all:

Sporting clays; Imp by 1/2,

Decoying (why does no one shoot rooks?) crows; 1/4 by 3/4. Just a tip; if you're used to shooting pigeon, a crow is much bigger and if you're used to a pigeon sized target, the old crow will be way out, let them come and that's one reason for the 3/4.

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If your hitting everything why change




I certainly wouldnt go as far as saying im hitting everything but id say 7-8 hit ratio for 10 shots.

I just want to Find everyway to improve and if this means selecting the correct choke so be it as it would play away in my mind and take my concentration off the birds as I find other things to blame other than myself lol. So I want to make sure I have got my setup spoton.



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1/4 and 1/2 works for me with clays across the board and I reckon it's a good blend of pattern and distance. I now have a Hatsan S/A for decoying / rough work (was starting to mark up my Winchester clay gun climbing through hedges!) and I keep 3/4 in that all the time. That way a hit's a hit and a miss is sport for another day.

What the other guys have said about pointing your barrels in the right direction is bang on the money - give yourself a bit of leeway, spread-wise with clays 'cause a chip counts as a kill but tighten up for live quarry so you kill cleanly.

Biggest difference I would suggest is 28g 7.5 loads for clays (Velocity is a brilliant cartridge and not too dear) but 32g 6s (Eley Pigeon is a good hard-hitting one) when you're out and about.

Most important thing of all is enjoy your shooting and don't beat yourself up when you miss - if it was that easy everyone would be an expert :lol:

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