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BSA ultra or hatsan at-44


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Hi mate I've got a Hatsan AT44 had it a year now it's superb value for money real quality gun, it's 11.8 ft lbs and very accurate. My mate has a Daystate and it shoots just as well as his but just not a status symbol!

The Hatsan is quite heavy and needs a webley qgs silencer or Hatsans own which is identical to the qgs, otherwise it's fussy on silencers so be aware of that but do not let that put you off.

Ive also got a BSA scorpion T10 which is better than the ultra but the scorpion is light and ideal for a long day holding the gun.

Choice is all yours but my vote would go on a Hatsan AT44

Good luck let us know what you choose.



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cant comment on the hatsan as ive never seen one let alone try one .

but i can comment on the ultra as i,ve had a 10 shot one and they are spot on i fitted mine with a edgar brothers scirroco silencer as the one they come with as std are rubbish.

if you go on to the bsa owners forum there is a member on there called tench he is the man to do any mods i,e regulating them cracking piece of kit :good:

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Ok then definately go Hatsan you don't want to go fiddling around loading pellets it's a waste of time and foddly in the dusk? and you will miss more opportunities with a single shot! Don't forget you will only get 30 shots from BSA yet 90 with Hatsan before needing a recharge again a no brainer on choice!!!

Good luck

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Ok then definately go Hatsan you don't want to go fiddling around loading pellets it's a waste of time and foddly in the dusk? and you will miss more opportunities with a single shot! Don't forget you will only get 30 shots from BSA yet 90 with Hatsan before needing a recharge again a no brainer on choice!!!

Good luck


So I take it your a proud owner of a hatsan?

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Never shot, or held the hatsan, so cant comment. BUT i do own a single shot ultra in 177, and i have loved it from the first i held it in the shop.

with a 170 bar charge ( which is where its sweet spot starts)i have around 30 on target shots. but for safety i allow for 25.

I use the rifle both for HFT, and Hunting, and friends have commented on how light the rifles is even with a silencer and torch fitted.

The other big + i give for the rifle is the ability to de-cock it, so moving over obstructions etc becomes more safe.

Love my wee Ultra and altho i have shot a few others, and always come back to it, such a joy to shoot.

I used the Weirauch silencer on it, and it makes such a diffrence, and i feel it aint too heavy either.



P.S. Good luck with whatever rifle you eventually choose, if it gives you half the pleasure that the Ultra has given me, then you will be a happy bunny :good:


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I have an ultra tactical in .177 - great wee gun. Fast handling, quick to cock, lovely and light. Not quite as accurate as my HW100, but then it was a third of the price. Great gun - buy British! (saying that, I have no idea where the Hatsan is made. Ignorance is bliss!)

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cant comment on the hatsan as ive never seen one let alone try one .

but i can comment on the ultra as i,ve had a 10 shot one and they are spot on i fitted mine with a edgar brothers scirroco silencer as the one they come with as std are rubbish.

if you go on to the bsa owners forum there is a member on there called tench he is the man to do any mods i,e regulating them cracking piece of kit :good:

ive got the ultra very good and light http://bsaog.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=20529.0

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I had an AT44 W10, beautiful rifle, well balance, quiet as quiet can be, lovely side action, much easier to use than the Hokey cokey blasted Ultra, also you cannot double load an AT 44, not a lot of people know that! Hatsan in my book. I only sold mine as the wife bought an X2 she did not like and space was limited. Well who would not swap a Hatsan for a Daystate?

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