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Bipod for seated position


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Has anyone got/used the bipods which mounts as per normal one but is used from the seated position? I'm not too keen on sticks and wanted to try these but not sure which length to get or if they are any good...


Any opinions welcome...





Edited by gixer1
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Same here, and to be honest, I love it, great for sitting out foxing with your back up against a tree, or shooting over long grass ect, the Bipods are over £100, but worth it in my opinion, but you can have best if both worlds, laying down, with the 13" leg, or sitting with the 27" leg.

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I have a 13-25 I think if you want a borrow of it to try give us a shout





Thanks for the offer I might just take you up on that! I have a gift voucher for the gun shop in Ballater but they haven't really have an awful lot in the few times I have been up there so I might order one through them before the vouchers are out of date!





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I use one now and again, its good for when the grass is up, waiting it out with you back against a tree etc. One thing i realy like is in its shortest length its a slightly better prone pod for a lot of venues were the grass or undergrowth is a bit too high. That said it also puts even more weight forwards on the gun so its not something i leave fitted much on walkabout, mostly it goes in the Roe sack

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