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First Fox for the 22-250


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Since having tonnes of issues with my setup, I finally got it all sorted. Turned out to be a mixture of the scope mounts (never buy cheap ones!) and the ammo... I just can't begin to tell you how desperate I've been to get some blood to this rifle's name.


Took a mate out with me this evening. He's not pro, not anti - more a neutral person on the subject of hunting.


Didn't take long for my mate's neutral opinion of shooting to turn pro as he was shooting bunnies left right and centre and bagging some really impressive shots :good:


Anyway, at about midnight, I caught a set of eyes out in the field. I spun the Landy round and got into a good position. I think it was at about 120 yards, but the little sod kept ducking and didn't respond to any squeaking. His head was just ducking and diving regardless of the lamp being on or off, or me squeaking away... I was worried it was a cat or badger, so took my time to try to spot it, but a pair of eyes under the red lamp was all that he was willing to show...


Decided to get in a bit closer.


He decided to keep the 120 yard gap constant :rolleyes: and moved back when I moved forward.


This happened about 5 times and it was getting quite annoying, especially as I wasn't 100% sure I was chasing a fox. Anyway, I realised we were pushing it back to a hedge line, where I had a feeling it'd sit and wait and then be forced sideways. So I drove slowly until it hit the hedge and then drove up a little closer. Got lined up and as soon as the lamp was on, I had a fox ID'd and we was looking straight chest on at me.


Just about to squeeze the trigger and he got up and kindly offered a side on chest shot, which I took.


Dropped like a sack of spuds and the bullet thankfully went exactly where I wanted it.


If anyone's counting, it's a young vixen.


My mate was chuffed and can't wait to go again, so I'm glad I've got another supporter on board, especially as he's now loaded with info on how much damage the rabbits and pigeon do :)







Exit wound shot is here. It's mildly graphic, so only click the Spoiler button if that's what you want to see.





Edited by Billy.
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It's good to hear that you have got all of the issues sorted out with your 22-250 Billy, and that you have got a new shooting supporter, well done mate! It's a very satisfying feeling when a shooter takes a non-shooter with them and get's them shooting well on their first trip out. :yes: The photo looks like you couldn't have placed the shot more perfectly. Good shooting mate, now let's hear about a few more from you! :good::good::good:

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Went out tonight and spent the best part of half an hour trying to convince a fox to come in a bit closer, as he was just as stubborn as the first one from yesterday. He decided to move off into another field and I eventually gave up looking for him.


Left the farm and he jumped out the hedge of the field he went to and crossed the road, about 6 feet in front of the car. I did feel rather hard done by :lol:


I'll get him tomorrow ;)

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