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Good afternoon on the rape stubble

stu nesling

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Had an afternoon out with Protom1 yesterday for a crack at the pigeons on a local rape stubble. there was a good wind blowing and the skys

mananged to drop the rain somewhere else for a change :).started by building a hide on the edge of a beet pad, not easy as it was in the middle of nowhere on the top of a hill with a 15mph wind

blowing. i had to use 3 guy ropes to hold everything down and luckily it stayed put all afternoon. Birds started to come right from the start

to a small pattern with just a flapper positioned middle and to the rear. the bird kept coming steadily and the pattern grew to give the birds more confidence.

i did discover later that i probably should have taken some birds in as it was getting crowded in the pattern (always learning,nice to get advise from somone who knows what they are talking about tom).

managed to miss a few easy birds as is always the case for me and pulled off a few good uns to make up for it. 2 left and rights for my battered aya made it a good and enjoyable afternoon out.

counted up at the end, i was surprised to find i had 52 birds picked for around 80 shots. thanks for the shooting tom hope i can get out again soon :good:


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Well done Stu, I noticed birds coming from all directions and heard the occasional shot or two. Tom told me you missed some sitters :lol:


It was a bit slower up on my field but i still had a good day, i managed to bag a good pair at 45 yds and was looking for the 3rd but missed that one.


Tom said not to let you know my bird to cartridge ratio as it might upset you, I managed to get 9 picked, + 1 lost in the sugar beet for 11 shots, god i love that Remington 1100 s/a and those 30gm black cased "clear pigeon" cartridges.

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