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Noisebreakers? Sonic Valves? CENS Digital?

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I am considering getting some custom moulded hearing protection as it does not seem the done thing to wear over the ear jobs on a some shoots...


So, does anyone have any feedback on the various options? I want to be able to hear approaching birds clearly, but just wanted to check if the CENS are really worth the money over the other non electronic types.


I am currently using MSA sordin supremes as my hearing protection for clay shooting, so I could sell that to make up some of the money required for cens, or keep hold of them if I go for noisebreakers or sonic valves.


Also, does anyone know if any hearing protection will be represented at the Fenland Country Fair?

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I have a pair of the CENS pro flex, and after an initial issue where for some reason the left ear didn't quite come out of the mould big enough, I think they're fantastic. If you're shooting clay and game I'd definitely advise the Pro-flex 2 as they have two settings one for clays which dull most noise and one for game which doesn't restrict as much. I find them comfortable for all-day wear. I've got a set of the Sport tac defenders and the CENS are by far my number one choice.

The added bonus is that the electronics are a separate module to the moulds so easy to keep clean, and if you need to update your moulds in a few years time, hopefully the electronics will still work and can just swap into the new moulds. They also gave me a set of passive inserts which can be used in case I run out of batteries or they need to go away for repair any time.

Not cheap, but my hearing is incredibly important to me, so happy to pay the price.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To Goldeneye - I find a huge difference between the two settings and must admit I prefer the clay setting as it seems to dull the gunshot much more than the game setting. The game setting, however is more useful for just that as it amplifies the sound around you - but I have found that the gunshot is subsequently a bit louder.

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i have a pair of proflex 2,they are superb,you can wear them all day with no discomfort,hold conversation,hear everything going on and they effectily reduce noise,on the game setting if you have them set too loud it can get annoying e.g mine were picking up motorway noise from a long way off.so I keep them turned down a bit,I've never tried any others apart from yellow plugs,just went straight to CENS.

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