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finding shooting land


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The best tips I can give are these:


1. Always make sure that you have done your homework - find a field that the birds are hammering, find out who owns / farms it, then approach them the day before you intend to shoot...Never turn up on spec and offer to shoot pigeons, as you will invariably be turned down.


2. Always approach the farmer in person, never by phone, and dress smartly, not a Rambo lookalike...!!!


3. Tell the farmer that you would like to "keep them off the fields for a day", as the farmer's usual opening line is, "we already have a few regulars who shoot the pigeons", you can then reply - "only for today" - most farmers will then say OK.


4. It pays to be able to name drop, i.e, " I shoot on farmer Giles land over yonder, feel free to phone him for a reference".


5. If you are given access rights for a day, ALWAYS clear up spent cases and litter, NEVER trample standing crops, NEVER obstruct farm tracks with your vehicle and ALWAYS go back and speak to the farmer after you have shot to tell him how many you have shot - you should offer him a brace for the pot, but I guarantee you it will never be accepted...!!!


If you follow these basic rules, you stand a good chance of being able to shoot on his land again, provided you don't try to screw his wife / daughters, or take pot shots at his pet ducks / guinea fowl / cats / geese etc...!!!


Good Luck, and stay away from my area...!!!

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If the above suggestions fail.


Meet the farmers daughter, start dating the farmers daughter, get married to the farmers daughter, have a couple of kids with the farmers daughter, one day inherit the farm with the farmers daughter....Now you can shoot the pigeons whenever you like...AND any SOB that comes around to date the farmers daughters, daughter. :blink:

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