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.22 lr for rabbit


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i would like to apply for a fac licence for a .22 lr rifle for rabbiting. what critiria do i have to match (already have a sgc). i have been told you have to have special entries put on the licence ( ie. for a moderator). can any one advise of what i have to do?



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The biggest single factor is having somewhere where you have permission to shoot it which is or can/will be approved by the firearms chappies on safety grounds. From then on it's pretty straight forward as you have already "proved your worth" with the SGC. Speak to and be guided by your FEO. Co-terminous renewal when possible is convenient and cheaper

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i am joining romford rifle club and the land i shoot on is only 1 field. other people have used .22lr's over there in the past, but i do not think it has been cleared. what is the minimum size for the land?

Size? There isn't one. If it's 10 acres, dead flat and surrounded by houses, - no chance. Put a bank or two or other natural back stop into a 5 acre patch and it all changes. Again, speak with the FEO - a good one on your side is not a bad start. It may just be that the club is the way to go initially. By the way, the info about the moderator was valid, you need to apply for it as you would the rifle. Often apart from any proof marks, there's no identity, maker, model, etc, on them. Entering under description, serial number or whatever, NVM - No Visible Marking - or similar is quite common and perfectly acceptable.

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I think the forms for a FAC now states that being in a club is not a good enough reason to have an FAC, not 100% sure but have a read through. :good:

I believe you are wrong, as plenty of FAC holders Target shoot only, however all Home office approved Clubs make you wait a probationary period usually 3-6 months and a target FAC will not allow you to shoot bunnies on land. a Club is a good place to learn the skills and get accurate as well learning about safety etc. I recommend you speak to your FEO ask if the land is cleared for rimfire and if so would you be OK for getting an FAC based on having permission on that land.


I am sure if you explain the the owner has areal rabbit problem and the shottie isn't effective enough the FEO should be on your side, if .22LR is a no no you could consider FAC air.

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I think the forms for a FAC now states that being in a club is not a good enough reason to have an FAC, not 100% sure but have a read through. :good:



That will be a new one to me, I am Secretary of a Fullbore Club at Bisley and several of the members FAC's are SOLELY conditioned for Target shooting at the Club!



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Steve. Yes, you do have to specify what calibre of rifle when applying for your FAC and you have to specify if you want a moderator for each rifle you apply for. With regards to the amount of land I am not sure.

Surely if you think the amount of land you have is insuficient you could do a little door knocking and get some "vermin shooting" permission mate!


Please note: Having said that I am not "having a go" about your lack of shooting land, just trying to help and advise in the best way posible!

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I think the forms for a FAC now states that being in a club is not a good enough reason to have an FAC, not 100% sure but have a read through. :good:


Being in a club isn't a good enough reason to hold expanding ammunition. If anything though if you're in the right club you can get pretty much any calibre you want - it's easier than justifying the need for it in the field.

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getting land around rainham is near impossible as its near to london (lots of guns travel out). most of the land seems to be controlled by syndicates. i have to drive 55 miles for pigeon shooting, so getting a field within 10 mile for rabbit was good. finding it hard to identify the local land owners.

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