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Pigeon shooting in the rain


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Hi everyone. I am a newcomer to the sport with six days under my belt decoying over drillings and flightlines. My question is if rain is forecast do you scrap your planned shooting? How does rain effect the days shoot? And yes besides getting wet! Your years of experiece and tips will be helpful. Thanks


If the birds are feeding then get to it.....




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It is common sense really. The pigeons need to eat after all night roosting to renew their energy, they also need to feed before settling up to roost. Most days that I have shot in heavy rain there has been very little movement, just them sitting in trees watching me watching them, then the occasional sortie to feed, but I suspect more just to see if I am going to shoot at them. Once my sandwiches and flask is empty, I often pack up.

So I guess my opinion is, it's practically a waste of time. ;)

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Some of the best days shooting we've had have been showery days. The birds tend to sit the showers out under cover then when the rain stops feed like mad untill the next shower. You just have to make sure your decoys are'nt shiney from the rain. Flocked decoys seem to be a good way of avoiding this. My Grandad always said pigeon feed hardest before a spell of really bad weather, so it's worth keeping an eye on the weather forcast and getting out the day before it arrives if possible.

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