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Repaired My Guttering Today...


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Hiya, Had to do a bit of repair work to my guttering today...first decent day I've been able to get the job done..anyway, it didnt take as long as I thought,and, I had a mate to help .... so ,we went for a wee stroll round my closest farm with the HW80.........not a bad wee afternoon...had two Squirrels, and a couple of Woodies, which the farmer absolutely hates...both Woodies were stuffed full of grain from the duck pond up the hill..took a wee walk up, and there is lots of it on the ground round the pond......not all the grain is in the water margins...... :blink:


Might head up there again soon...seems it's a proper magnet for the pigeons..:)


BTW, the Duck shooters had two Mallards and a Greylag last night... :good: LOL,..( EDIT ).Just found out, they missed the Geese!!!! :lol: :lol:



Sorry about the pic,,,taken on my phone..:)




Edited by Norrie
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you look like your having some sport and some laughs mate :lol: :lol: :lol:




LOL, Yep, ...it is indeed the 90...the HW80 is stripped and in a million bits, as a "project" for the coming winter months...:) My head is up me *** right now...:)


That 90 has been sold by me, re sold, then sold again, and now back here...:)


I really dont know why I got rid of it in the first place...it was the first "proper" airgun I had..AND one of the best i've ever fired. :good:.........

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