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how fit are you


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Absolutely spot on, it makes me laugh when I hear people saying they can eat what they like as they burn it off exercising.

If you do a bit of exercise and have a phone with GPS, do your normal walk/run/ride/whatever with a sports tracker that will open your eyes.

I use Endomondo now but there are plenty of others.

I use it almost all the time now to measure distance but also to improve on time and speed for some rides.

But just as an example a 4.5 mile dog walk yesterday (including a cardiac hill) only burnt 442 calories - so about one pint of beer :yes:


Metabolism is different for everyone I know plenty of people who can eat like kings and make weight then also people like me who have to severely diet to drop weight. I just hate the fact they rub it in your face lol

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Absolutely spot on, it makes me laugh when I hear people saying they can eat what they like as they burn it off exercising.

If you do a bit of exercise and have a phone with GPS, do your normal walk/run/ride/whatever with a sports tracker that will open your eyes.

I use Endomondo now but there are plenty of others.

I use it almost all the time now to measure distance but also to improve on time and speed for some rides.

But just as an example a 4.5 mile dog walk yesterday (including a cardiac hill) only burnt 442 calories - so about one pint of beer :yes:

I seem to recall your appetite at Bisley suggesting you had worms. :yes:


FM :)

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6ft and 16.5 stone, sit at a desk all day getting slowly wider.


Since the children came along I've had to shelve the gym and circuit training. Now cycle to work twice a week, round trip of 30 miles, so fitness wise legs and lungs could go for 2 plus hours without much complaining.


However challenge me to a run or gentle jog and I'd be a mess in less than 20 yards...


Living with a GP doesn't help either, the scales are out every day :wacko:


If i gave up this :beer: I'd be 12 stone either that or have a leg removed :unsure:

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