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ruger 10/22 full strip down


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some may have read my last posts about aquiring a ruger 10/22 on friday gone, saturday took it out to set the zero up, and although the rifle cycled fine, the magazine did jam, so on getting home, watched a utube clip on stripping mags, and did mine, thank god I did, as inside was a terrible state, oil and grit everywhere :angry:


anyway today I thought, if the mag was dirty, the rifle action must be too, so having again watched a few utube clips, started stripping it

they aint lying when they say these are the easiest rifles to work on, on taking the trigger block off, you could see if was filled up with ****, to a point the the trigger was too hard to pull, so biting the bullet I deceided to go the full hog, stripped everything, whilst doing so (even though welshwarrior has sent me one) I got the dremmel out an removed the heart shape to do the auto mod on it, once all the trigger was back together, I again bit the bullet, and drilled the rear of the receiver, allowing a cleaning rod to be used from the rear, as I reckoned the barrel would be as dirty as the inards

heres a few pictures

















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Hi Stubby,


When you drilled the rear of the receiver, did you just measure it and drill with battery drill? Have you used it since the drilled hole, if so does any **** come out of the hole or does the stock cover it up.





yup, just used a decent battery drill/screwgun, an assortment of different size metal drills, and measurements by eye, started with small pilot hole, moving up to a drill slightly larger than bore of rifle, and once its back in the stock the hole is completely covered by wood :good:




That looks good just a clear out once in a while always helps with a 22 it dirty ammo but the barrel does need some lead in it.


If you don't use the ABR just pass it on to someone that needs one.


Hope you did not enjoy doing this work.




cheers WW, I tried really hard not to enjoy this, but it did make me feel good inside, I suppose that makes me a bad person, almost american :blush:

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How she shooting now? Inspired me give mine at total strip and clean, tarting one up for a mate as well.


Maybe we need a 10/22 photo post


deffo need a few pictures to get put up, first need to shoot something though, I popped out for an hour this afternoon, after my mrs commented on how I can be on "deaths door" with man flu, yet well enough to go shooting :blush:

bit of a waste as there was nothing about, so thought Id try a few different ammo's through it,

winchesters, jammed straight away, non ejecting around 3 out of 10 :no:

remmingtons again jams, 2 in every 10

so, so far it looks like the CCI's are my main contender, dirty gun back then, and no jams for 100 :D

deffo need to get an aftermarket buffer sorted for it, although bog standard, the trigger feels alot better now, although will possibly get a kit to lighten it

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You inspired me and I just fitted the kit to light mine feels nice I find Eley subs work well as do the CCI segmenting things, but mine also like Winnies


what trigger kit did you have?, any chance of link to where you purchased it from,price etc, havent tried eleys yet, Ill try tomorrow

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have been waiting for some buffers to arrive that I ordered a few days ago from the usa, arrived this morning, fitted in minutes, then popped over a permission for a mooch, Id also fitted a qd swivel mount earlier in the week so I could use my harris bi-pod, also had the 25 shot mag to try out plus an array of ammo to try too


walked quite a few fields and eventually found one where the rabbits were sunning themselves, so got my "first blood" at 29yds, had a play about with different ammo's and the bannana mag after this, the eleys gave 3 jamms out of 50 fired,

I was impressed by an ammo Ive never heard off, SK (GERMANY) fired 50 no jams at all, which suprised me as they were very waxy,almost oily, although the hollow head was not perfect in them either, so far I think I'll be sticking with CCI's for this rifle, makes sense as they are the cheapest too, at £32.00 per 500,

the bi-pod Is ok for sitting shoots, but also think Ill stick to my home made shooting sticks, as standing shoots are much steadier with them,

the "buffer" made the recoil of the bolt a lot quieter, and even seemed to reduce any recoil kick, not that there was ever much to begin with, I got 2 buffers for around £8 although the guy selling them says they never wear out, but are sold in 2's or 3's as most american have multiple rugers (that I can belive)


the 25 shot mag is great for plinking/zeroing the scope and walking/mooching the fields, but I'll stick with the 10 shot for lamping in the car, as it does tend to bang on window etc



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Nice one stubby but I can't believe you shoot a rabbit at 29 yards why did you not walk back wards to at least 80 yards to show how accurate the rifle is, No grinning either



your right of course, It did feel very unsporting at that distance, and I felt thoughly ashamed at my grin factor, and gave myself a thrashing with a twig afterwards :blush: first rabbit this year with mixy, :no: dont know if its the rifle, the ammo, or just me, but with the B/A, its spot on at 60yds, but anything really close I need to adjust where I aim, yet with the ruger, zero to 63yds, I can put the cross hairs on, and its bang to rights :hmm:

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