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Gay People

highdowns hunter

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Just wondered how you guys feel about all of the Gay people who seem to be taking over the world. :*)

We are being brainwashed by them on TV and radio, They control the Film industry

They are taking over on Airlines - Air stewardess'es are nearly a thing of the past

Most security companies will not employ straight people

Is it just my Thick Northern attitude to this type of thing or do you feel the same :ph34r: :lol:

I am not against any breed or religion or class or sexual tendancy But I dont agree that we should have it pushed in our faces every time we switch on the TV set :lol::lol:

Certain things make me wonder what the world is coming to

I once worked for British Telecom in Norfolk, and there was a man there who had undergone a Sex change But what baffled me is after he had done this he became a lesbian (what was the point I ask myself :lol::lol:

What are your opinions :lol:? :lol:

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Its becoming like racism. Say for instance a gay man commits a crime, gets nicked and gets senctaced he can claim that the judge is being zenophobic and to shortern the sentance.



You have a point, it is everywhere and it is pushed in our faces. My stance is that it is there way of life, just dont try and preach to the rest of us about it!

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Too right EgnwT our best friend is gay and every tues all my wifes friends......... all babes, come round and him. He calls them tony's tarts and they adore him............. the *****rd :lol::lol: Each one had a crush on him until they worked it out :lol::lol: Now had they asked my advice :lol:


I reckon its cos they KNOW he isnt trying to get in there knickers, I'm not really, but I would mind a look :lol::lol::devil:

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****in Q****s


lol kiddin ... i'm all for em as theres more chance for us ugly s*ds pulling the lady's ...as there are more ladys to go round.....i'm all so all for ladys that love other ladys.......as long as i can watch :lol::lol::lol:

But i hear what your saying highdowns ....and i dont wanna see em on the tele or serving me my double brandy on a plane......

But saying that i think we should start the Gay mens shooting club ....at least we'll get to see some good looking ladys...and whats more they might be tempted to turn us straight....but i figure they'll know where not really gay....as the beer bellys and bad haircuts will give it away :lol::lol:


all the best yis yp :ph34r: kisses and hugs


(that'll scare highdowns....as i'll want to share a hide with him.... lol :lol::lol: )

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If anyone has seen the Foo Fighters Learn To Fly video, everything that everyone has said is true.Its set on a plane an all the pilots and crew are gay, its very funny, cracks me up :lol: What annoys me is that theres tis lad at m school and he's blatenly gay( im not much bothered, an got a good friend that is) but he keeps saying hes straight. But its when he gets to close to you that you start to worry! :lol::lol:

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Well iv got a girlfriend and she hates them she says they only like blokes cos the girls dont like em!


Na there was a gay bloke who used to come on the estate shoot he was alright because he didnt rub it in your face all the time. I cant stand they way they splash it all over the T.V what they do in their bedroom dosent bother me as long as it stays their! :ph34r:

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Nowt against them, as long as they keep them selves to themselves, in fact ie have 2 fellow Scots mates who are gay

Ben Doon and Phil McCrakin

and 2 Irish Mates

Patrick Fitzmichael and Michael Fitspatrick

(I know the old ones are the best) :lol::lol::lol:

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mmmmm 31 views and only 3 replys today :lol:

Do we have some members in the closet :lol::lol::lol::lol:

What more can be added to what you have said in your original post

Well done for bringing it up.

What can you expect with Blair and his mates in charge.

It might have been going on for centuries but it can't be natural. What happens when a randy dog mounts another male? A bloody fight!

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